Sunday, February 2, 2020

Walk the Walk

I'm joining in on the #Write28Days challenge at to stretch my writing muscles. It's a great way to get back in the groove.

It's been said to write what you know, and since I've been a Christian since I was 14; I feel I know about most about journeying with Jesus. My series will be about "Walk the Walk, Christian Living Series," written from the perspective of a recovering perfectionist.

Just to put a special twist on it, I'm using the prompts Anita provided just to see if I can fit them into my topic. 

I hope you'll join me, and feel free to share in the comments about your own faith journey. 

Bookmark this page as a landing page. Come back each day to see the newest link. I will list below a link each day as my post goes live.

Day 1 - Begin: Just Do It

Day 2 - Intent: Motives Matter

Day 3 - Joy: Spread Some

Day 4 - Make: A Decision

Day 5 - Number: 5 Examples of Goodness

Day 6 - Community:  A Hot Mess

Day 7 - Enough

Day 8 - Explore the Bible

Day 9 - Learn: Find What Works

Day 10 - Experience: Can't Argue With It

Day 11 - Ponder: Uncovering Richness

Day 12 - Surprise: 5 Unexpected Blessings

Day 13 - Exact Likeness

Day 14 - Nostalgia: You Can't Go Back

Day 15 - Possible: What If I Was Wrong?

Day 16 - Experiment - Try it Out!

Day 17 - Relationship = Blessing

Day 18 -  Effective: It Works

Day 19 - Endure Forever: World Without End

Day 20 - Sparrow:  Evidence of Care

Day 21 - Numerous Blessings: Here's 5!

Day 22 - Success: The Key

Day 23 - Growth:  You Need Support

Day 24 - Opinion: Do I Need to Share Mine?

Day 25 - Increase: Blessed in 5 More Ways

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