Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Endure Forever: World Without End

As some of my readers know, in 2020, I've been deep in the study of the word, "hesed," which loosely translates into unfailing love, or covenant love. There really is no perfect English word that embodies all that hesed is, but unfailing love is pretty close.

There's a psalm that talks about unfailing love a lot. In fact, it is mentioned 27 times in Psalm 136 and it is paired with the phrase "endures forever." That phrase in the original language can mean, "time out of mind," and / or "world without end."

In other words the unfailing love of the Lord has always been and will always be!

His love will endure. Will you?

Hey! I admit it. The journey is hard. There are days when you might feel ready to throw in the towel. Days when you think one more step on the journey is one more than what you have in you.

But the great thing is, you have that enduring love under-girding you, walking with you every step of the way, world without end.

I recommend reading Psalm 136. Meditate on it; feast on it. Memorizing it is even better.

I'm going to press on. How about you?

This is post #19 of my "Walk the Walk Christian Living Series," written from the perspective of a recovering perfectionist. You can go here to see the links of each post as they go live.

I'm linking this post to the community at Recharge Wednesday.


  1. I'm so grateful His love endures even when we feel like strength is waning.

    What a wonderful Savior!


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