Monday, February 3, 2020

Intent: Motives Matter

Welcome to Day 2 of the series, "Walk the Walk, A Christian Living Series," written from the perspective of a recovering perfectionist.

Today, I'm going to be looking at the word, "intent," from two different angles.

First, intent as the root word of intentional. On my walk as a Christian, I find I have to be intentional about spiritual disciplines.

Because, as a perfectionist, it's not going to happen spontaneously. There will always be some reason its not the perfect time to dive into the word or spend time in prayer. There will always be an excuse to not connect with other believers.

I have to be intentional and schedule time for what is important to me. (I reward myself by using a Habit-Tracker and coloring the little squares with a fuschia marker when I've done my duty!)

What is working currently for me is offering God the first-fruit of my day. Before I can do any writing or anything else, I get up early and read my devotion, pray, and study some of the Word. (I'm smack-dab in the middle of a word study on the subject of covenant love. I scripture write one reference a day, read it in context, and write about it.)

I've already confessed I'm a recovering perfectionist, so I'll be honest and admit I've missed a few mornings here and there but on the whole, I've stuck to this schedule.

The other meaning of the word intent translates into the word motive. 

Sometimes, I just react without thinking. Does that happen to you? On my journey, I'm frequently reminded to stop and examine myself. What's my motive on this journey anyway?

Am I working towards being more like Jesus and bringing Him glory? Or am I promoting myself and making my own little kingdom.

Questions like that hurt, but it's vital I ask myself because I can fall down a rabbit hole chasing something I was never called to chase.

Bringing it full circle: My intention is to schedule chunks of time to studying His Word which reveals my true intentions.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 NKJV

Motives matter. Why are you on this journey and what do you hope to accomplish?

I'm participating in Anita Ojeda's #Write28Days challenge. (Go here, if you're interested in joining, too.) 


  1. Oh my, those rabbit holes. It's always a shock to realize you are in one and need to climb out fast and get back on the narrow path.

  2. Being intentional is so important in our Christian walk. It is so easy to let everyday distractions consume the time we should give intentionally to Him. Thank you for sharing, intentional is my word of the year. One month in and I already needed the reminder.

  3. I love this post! My word for the year is Intentional! I read my scriptures and do my gratitude list early in the morning as well. You are right - it is like offering God the "first fruits." Thanks for this post!


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