Sunday, September 30, 2012

31 Days of Encouragement

I'm excited to join The Nester and over 434 bloggers (and counting) as we embark on a 31 day challenge writing for 31 days on one topic that is near and dear to our hearts.

I considered what I might want to write about for 31 days and not get bored out of my mind. 

A topic close to my heart is encouragement.  I need it, you need it, all God's children need to be lifted up from time to time.

I'll be sharing scriptures, quotes and random thoughts on how we can encourage others and keep ourselves in a good frame of mind as well.  I hope you will join me on this journey of encouragement.

Each day I will post a link on this page so that you can keep up with my series:

Day 1 - Be Supportive

Day 2 - Be Gracious 

Day 3 - Be A Barnabas

Day 4 - Be Golden

Day 5 - Be A Cheerleader

Day 6 - Be A Worshiper

Day 7 - Be A Joiner

Day 8 - Be One Who Edifies

Day 9 - Be a Self-Encourager

Day 10 - Be Encouraged-Your God Provides

Day 11 - Be Encouraged-Your God is Enough

Day 12 - Be More Than A Conqueror

Day 13 - Be Encouraged:  You Can Do It!

Day 14 - Be A Kingdom-Seeker

Day 15 - Be A Student of the Word

Day 16 - Be Encouraged:  God Will Forgive

Day 17 - Be Encouraged:  He's Not Keeping Score

Day 18 - Be Encouraged:  Fresh Mercy Every Morning

Day 19 - Be Encouraged:  You've Got A Friend

Day 20 - Be Encouraged:  God's Love Knows No Boundaries

Day 21 - Be Encouraged:  He Will ALWAYS Love You

Day 22 - Be Confident

Day 23 - Be Encouraged:  You Can Have Abundant Life

Day 24 - Be Encouraged:  This World Is Not My Home

Day 25 - Be Encouraged:  A Future Home Beyond Compare

Day 26 - Be Encouraged:  You'll Be Living in Beauty

Day 27 - Be Encouraged:  No More Bad Days

Day 28 - Be Encouraged:  He Is On Your Side

Day 29 - Be Encouraged:  You're Gonna Wear A Crown

Day 30 - Be Welcomed As Faithful

Day 31 - Be Encouraged:  You Can Only Imagine


  1. Wow, that is quite the challenge. I don't know if I would know enough about any subject to write about it for 31 days! Happy writing!

  2. This is the first I've heard about his. Love the idea~ I'll look into it. Yes, encouragment is so important for all of us! ♥

  3. I read about it, and don't get how to sign up or have a sign like you have. I see lots of ideas. Do I just pick one that is listed on the Nesting Place page?

  4. Blessings on your endeavor my friend.

  5. Thank you so much Jerralea for explaning it to me! I appreciate it~ ♥♥♥


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