Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Praise Post #17 - 2020

October 2011

Convenience - we all love it. We will even pay extra $$ to achieve it. Why is convenience so highly prized? Because we want more free time to do things that matter.

Here's a little list of modern conveniences that make me want to praise. Today's praise post is an interactive praise post. Praise along with me

1. My washer and dryer:  I confess I do not want to go to the laundromat to wash my clothes. The few times I've had to do it, it took a big chunk out of my day. Raise your hands in praise with me if you have a washer and dryer, too! 🙌

2. My refrigerator: Think about it. No refrigerator means daily trips to the market to get your meat and dairy products. I guess you could keep them in a cooler, but then every day you'd need ice. Raise your hands in praise with me if you have a working fridge. 🙌

3. My furnace: It keeps my house toasty. It comes on and goes off automatically - even when I'm not there. I don't have to come home and walk into a house that feels like an ice-box. Raise your hands in praise if you have a furnace, too. 🙌

4. My air conditioner:  One of my life-goals is to never sweat, so you just imagine how important an a/c is to me. I hear there are places in the world where a/c is not needed. I cannot fathom it. Raise your hands in praise if you are thankful for air conditioning, too.🙌

5. My dishwasher: I suffer from eczema, most often affecting my hands. Putting my hands in dirty dishwater is a no-no. I'm so glad God had someone invent the dishwasher! Raise your hands in praise if you are thankful for dishwashers, too. 🙌

Perhaps you think I'm being a little childlike in praising for these basic things that make my life easier. I have a mandate to praise for all these things and more:

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thess. 5:18 NKJV

Yes, I know it doesn't say "for" everything give thanks, but "in" everything; which means whatever circumstance of life you are in, find something to praise Him for. Freeing up time for studying, writing and fulfilling my calling is an awesome thing.

What about you? What helps you on your journey? Share your blessings!

Today is day 17 of November and I have determined I will give Him praise for 5 blessings each day of the month. 5 blessings a day X 30 days = 150 praises. 85 praises to date!

You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many. 

Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.

I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.
He is worthy!


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I'm sharing this post at #TellHisStory.

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