This morning, I was lazily contemplating getting up. I saw sunshine peeking around the edges of the window shade and heard the swirling of the strong winds visiting my little hollow of ground.
I got to thinking how I'm thankful for the forces of nature God has provided.
1. Breezes: How I love a cooling breeze! One of the reasons we love going to the lake is to enjoy the breezes always rustling the leaves on the trees lakeside.
2. Wind: A powerful force of nature that will move things. The Holy Spirit is often associated with wind and will shake things up.
"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting." Acts 2:2 NKJV
3. Sunshine: I'm so thankful for the sun! I always feel more energetic and productive when the sun is shining. The sun provides warmth and light. Life would be grim without it.
4. Rain: If you've ever lived through a drought, you know how precious rain can be. I like my rain in moderation; but I trust the Master of Creation to send what is needed.
Rain is also conducive to great naps. (Yesterday's post shared how important a nap is to me.)
5. Snow: It's so beautiful when it falls! Being a Florida girl, I definitely appreciate snow. My very first Christmas when I moved north had snow. I was very happy to see it and thought every year would be the same. Not so. In my part of the world, it is rare to get snow on Christmas. IF we get any snow, it is usually later, in January and February.
There's the thrill of a snowday: a free bonus day off unplanned and open to all kinds of possibilities.
Too many of them, though, and it disrupts your life and you no longer love them.
I'm thankful the atmosphere is always changing with these forces of nature. We need them to bring us moisture, pollinate the plants, and help us grow. Even our bodies were created to need the Vitamin D in sunshine. Also, these forces bring variety to our landscapes. It would be boring if every day were the same. God made such a wonderful world. I give Him praise!
What about you? What are you thankful for today?

You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many.
Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.
I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.
He is worthy!

Today is day 16 of November and I have determined I will give Him praise for 5 blessings each day of the month. 5 blessings a day X 30 days = 150 praises. 80 praises to date!
You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many.
Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.
I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.
He is worthy!
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