Monday, January 4, 2021

Goodbye, 2020


Welcome back to part 2 of my end-of-the-year series, Remember, Reflect and Revive.

Today, I'm looking at which of my 2020 posts resonated with my readers.

Let's get right to listing the most popular and the most viewed posts of 2020, then I will share my conclusion of my writing year with you:

In January, I wrote about Starting out the New Year Right and 5 Bright Spots, which included my personal favorite story of Brody dancing on a picnic table.

February slid in with my joining the #Write28Days challenge a little late. I kicked off my series, "Walk the Walk." Here are a couple of highlights:  5 Examples of Goodness and Numerous Blessings - Here's 5.

My series ended in March with Increase - Blessed in 5 More Ways and I examined the good things March had to offer in March: Good Things.

And then the pandemic hit ...

In April I shared my thoughts in the posts, When It Looks Scary and In the Midst of COVID-19.

Have we really been talking about Co-Co Ro-Ro since April???

My most viewed post of 2020 was in May, What I Learned During COVID. (And I hadn't even gotten the virus yet!) But May yielded some good things, too. I finished the first draft of my whole entire trilogy and we srarted back to church after being shut down almost 2 months. You can read about that in Wrap Up the Week With Joy.

In June, one post struck a chord with my readers more than the others: Counting Blessings in the Midst of Crazy.

July's post, Thankful List, was the most read and received the most comments of the month.

In August, I examined What Is Stopping My Progress? and it also was the most read post and received the most feedback.

September's most viewed post was actually a look back at August, Wrapping Up the Month and I got good response from the post, I'm a Church Fan.

In October, I actually contracted COVID-19, so I naturally wrote about it, Positive in a Time of Covid.

November saw me reviving some of my Praise Posts. Number 30 ranked #1 with readers, Number 15 coming in second.

December's post was Above and Beyond where I share my tendencies to be "extra."

I believe you can see a trend in talking about coping with the virus and thankfulness for blessings for 2020 when you look at my posts for the year. I'm always going to be writing about thankfulness, but I hope there will be less words to say about COVID!

For me, my defining statement for 2020 was written in the post, I'm A Church Fan:

Here's the thing: I can't let my love of church and all the rhythms and practices of church life be greater than my love for the Master. Even when I have to worship online, I can still nestle at His feet and learn from Him. Sometimes ... you get more out of solitude and listening then you do in a crowd of people.

Yes, I'm a church fan, but I'm even more a fan of my friend Jesus.

What's your defining statement?



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I'm sharing this post at Inspire Me Monday 

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