I'm so blessed! I'm praising God for the lessons learned in my life.
My mother took me to church from the very beginning of my life. We always went at least on Sunday mornings, and lots of other times, too. My dad didn't go with her. She took us to church anyway.
I was taught how to treat others using the Golden Rule:
“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12 NLT
I learned early on, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." This has served me well over the years.
I was taught a work ethic. My dad always said, "Your job is to go to school and do your best. My job is to make money to feed and clothe you." We both got up and did our job everyday. (I would have to be really sick to miss school.)
My mother also taught us, "to each his own." In other words, it's not my job to make people like the things I like or do things the way I do them. There is room for both of us.
What are lessons from childhood that served you well?
Today is day 22 of November and I have determined I will give Him praise for 5 blessings each day of the month. 5 blessings a day X 30 days = 150 praises. 110 praises to date!
You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many.
Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.
I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.
He is worthy!
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Like you, I am thankful that my parents took me to church and taught me to work hard and treat others the way I would want to be treated. Love your point about it's not our job to make people think or act like I do. When we really understand this, it is so freeing. Let's keep counting our blessings. One thing I am thankful for is eggnog is out. It is making my tea happy. :)