Thursday, November 19, 2020

Praise Post #19 - 2020

God created such a beautiful world for us to live in; some of my favorites of His creation are lakes, rivers, the ocean and trees. My readers know I love to go the lake as often as possible. It's only right to praise Him for these blessings to soul and spirit.

1. I praise God for the oceans. Is there anything as magnificent as a sunset over the sea?

2. I praise Him for the beautiful lakes and beaches He has made. It so calming to sit by a lake. Here's our favorite spot:

3. I praise Him for rivers. Here's a good picture of the mighty Mississippi:

4. I'm thankful for this other favorite lake:

This is a picture of the lake at Fern Clyffe in the fall of 2014. We go here quiet often to recharge our spiritual batteries. Love the colors!

5. Speaking of colors, I praise God for the show of beauty He brings us every fall. He truly is a Master Artist.

What's your favorite part of nature? Isn't God good to create such a beautiful world?

"Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anythig was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything ...." Colossians 1:15-16a NLT

Today is day 19 of November and I have determined I will give Him praise for 5 blessings each day of the month. 5 blessings a day X 30 days = 150 praises. 95 praises to date!

You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many. 

Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.

I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.
He is worthy!


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Also, you can find me at Instagram under jerralea

Check out the top 5 recently viewed posts at the Journey:

Praise Post #8 - 2020

Praise Post #9 - 2020

Praise Post #11 - 2020

Praise Post #30

Praise Post #12 - 2020


I'm sharing this post at #TuneInThursday and Let's Have Coffee


  1. I love the ocean. When I get to visit it, I always find myself overwhelmed by its power and bounty and beauty. I am reminded of my own insignificance compared to the might of the sea, yet I am significant to its Maker. It gets me every time.

    Love your thoughts on thanksgiving. I've been trying to cultivate an attitude of thanksgiving in the last month, and I am amazed at my attitude change. ;-)

  2. It really is hard to narrow down what part of nature is my favorite. Mountains, water, trees...So much of creation to enjoy. The beach is my favorite in the fall and winter. Glad you have some great favorites!

  3. beautiful list of praises! The Creator is so amazing! I often clap for something He shows me that He has done so beautifully...autumn trees, a sunset, the beach. I am so taken by His goodness in all of these! thank you for sharing this and the beautiful pictures too!


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