Saturday, November 14, 2020

Post #14 - 2020

One of the blessings we might take for granted is having a clean, safe place to sleep at night. I may have told this story before; but if I have, it's a good one and bears repeating:

I'll never forget watching a James Robison show years ago where he highlighted people he worked with in other countries. In Central America, there was this family; a mother, two kids and a grandmother, who lived in a little shack. I'm not sure it was as big as my shed. The roof was a mess with pieces of various items like tin or cardboard patchworked together. When it rained, the water would drip through the roof and pool on the packed earth floor. All this poor family had to sleep on was a piece of cardboard. It was probably about the size of a refrigerator box flattened out for the four of them to sleep on. They had two flattened pillows and one blanket - for the 4 of them!

I remember they survived by making tortillas and cooking them over a wood fire and then selling them.

James and his partners were building cement houses for the people in that community. So glad this little family got one!

This story so impacted me that for years when I would go to bed, I would say loudly, "Thank You, God, for this wonderful bed with a pillow top mattress," in hopes my children would hear.

"Thank You, God, for sheets!" Some people don't have sheets, and if they do, they have little opportunity to clean them.

"Thank You, God, for this fluffy comforter." Sometimes, a warm blankie makes it so much easier to sleep.

Or, if it was hot, "Thank You, God, for this wonderful ceiling fan." I love me a good breeze.

"Thank You, God, for this comfy nightgown." I shudder to think what some people use for nightclothes.

"It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones." Psalm 127:2 NLT

So, the next time you settle in your bed for a good night's sleep, think about how blessed you are and give Him praise.

(You might have fun reading my post, "My Bed: How I Love Thee," because everyone needs a little humor in their lives, right?)


Today is day 14 of November and I have determined I will give Him praise for 5 blessings each day of the month. 5 blessings a day X 30 days = 150 praises.

You might think coming up with 150 blessings in the month of November is a tall order, but I guarantee you can come up with that many. 

Remember, whether big or small, praise Him for them all.

I'd be thrilled if you would like to share in the comments your 5 praises, or a link to your post giving God praise.

He is worthy!


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1 comment:

  1. It is good for us to see the huge contrast on how other people live in comparison to us. I'm thankful for a safe comfortable place to sleep. Hope you have a relaxing weekend.


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