Have you started my serial yet? Go ahead, here's Day 1. We will wait for you to catch up.

"Many plans are in a man's mind,
but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand."
Proverbs 19:21 (AMPC)
Simon said, "Here is what the Lord has planned," as he laid out an itinerary.
"Since you're an angel with a superior brain with photographic memory, look this over and then be on your way. We are sending you to Morgan's city, here," as Simon whipped out his clicker with the infra-red pointer and changed the monitor to a map for the large city. The pointer landed on the location for the post office.
"Go inside to post office box 7, and use this code, J-D-I, to open it. There you will find cash, clothing and a resumé to apply for a job at the coffeehouse on the corner. Morgan passes by there every day."
"Okay," Kai said, "I'm praying she responds quickly because I would much rather be here!"
"Oh, I know, Kai. But until the day of the Lord, this is the angel's lot - being a messenger. There's a field white unto harvest and the Lord needs laborers. Your full name, Malakai, is a variation of Malachi which means 'my messenger, or my angel.' You were created to do this."
"And you, Simon, have the gifts of helps and administration, and I thank you for your guidance," Kai replied gratefully.
A slight pink stained Simon's cheeks as he brushed aside Kai's remark. "Well, you better get going. Much success, my friend!"
They gave each other a hug and clapped each other on the back. Kai glanced back as he faded from the room to see Simon giving him an encouraging "thumbs-up."
"Wait, Kai!" Simon yelled.
Kai re-appeared with eyebrow raised.
"I forgot to remind you to keep a listening ear for the Holy Spirit. There are some side jobs planned for you."
Kai grinned. "I figured as much. Our Lord is a God of order and efficiency. Never send two angels when one can get the job done!"
Simon shook his head laughing, "Go along with you now!"
Thanks for joining us today! You will learn more about the plan for Kai and Morgan in my serial, Angel on Assignment: The Book of Morgan.
This serial is not intended to be doctrine. Scripture does tell us angels come to warn, bring messages and sometimes watch over us. It also tells us we could possibly unknowingly entertain an angel. My serial is just me imagining how that might look in our present day and time.
Join me tomorrow for more of the story. Each day, you can go here to see all the links for each installment of the series as they go live.
Tomorrow's offering: Scoping the Lay of the Land
What do YOU think? How would an angel look if he suddenly were visible in our world today? What would he do?
This post was written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. A whole group of writers will be writing for 31 days straight on a variety of topics. Click here to check it out.
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This story makes me smile!
ReplyDeleteSeems like an interesting read! #graceandtruth