Friday, May 21, 2021

Are the Promises for Me? Part 3

I've been examining Joshua 18, the story of the Children of Israel hesitating to step out and claim the rest of the Promised Land for the remaining seven out of the original twelve tribes. (Here is Part 1 and Part 2 to refresh your memory.)

Before promises can happen, the people must obey the Word and believe the promises. Moses, then Joshua and Caleb, told the people all about the Promised Land, yet the people's eyes were more on the obstacles then they were on the promises.

Even after 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, and then a few victories under their belts, the Israelites were still hesitant about finishing up the job of taking the land.

Centuries later, God's people still wonder about claiming promises in scripture.

It's been my joy to discover claiming scripture does work. I will share from personal experience; but first, I want to point out each promise has a condition you must meet. 

Also, we must always read the full story of the promise we are wanting to claim. Context is key! 

When we take and isolate a scripture containing a promise without taking into account the rest of the story, we may well be guilty of not rightly dividing, or correctly explaining, the Word of truth. (See 2 Timothy 2:15)

For example, when you claim the promise that God will supply your needs as stated in Philippians 4:19, read the whole chapter, and you will find Paul promised this to those who had been sacrificially giving out of their own need.

My experience of provision:

In 1987, Jim and I were living in Indiana with a 10-month-old baby and a house we could not sell in our hometown. My husband lost his job. We decided to move back home to Illinois.
Jim really needed a job; and I felt inspired by the Holy Spirit to go with him to job interviews, stay in the car and pray over promises of provision I had found in scripture. We left the baby with grandma and headed for town.
After talking it over, he decided to apply at a business that sold diesel parts since he had prior experience.  The business had a good reputation, reportedly paying good wages and benefits. We figured we might as well start first with putting in an application where Jim really wanted to work.
Keep in mind, there was no ad for help wanted at this establishment. Jim just walked in asking for an application. Meanwhile, I sat in the car praying and reading over and over my scriptures. I knew we had always done our best to pay tithes and give offerings. I knew it was God's will for us to work and provide for our daughter. I knew God loved us and as long as we were seeking Him, the rest of what we needed would be added to us.
The longer I prayed, the more encouraged I became.  What was taking him so long?  There must be a job opening because it doesn't take that long to say no.
When he finally came out to the car, he was grinning.  "I start Monday!"  
"Fantastic," I cried, "so they were looking for someone?" 
"Nope, but when they heard I had International (truck parts) experience, the boss sat down and talked to me.  It's not every day a guy walks in knowing about International. The boss just decided to make a job for me!"
Our God is so awesome!  He WILL meet your needs, even if He has to make someone create a job just for you!
I’d like to say I’ve lived in victory ever since that day. But no, this message is for me as well as you. I’ve spent plenty of time wondering what was going to happen next without praying and searching scripture to see if there was an answer in the Word for me.

Claiming promises requires effort; you must know what scripture says, and you must stand strong in the face of discouragment which is sure to come.

Join me next week for my next installment.


For further study:
Jen Wilkin wrote a great article at The Gospel Coalition called Which Promises Are for Me that I highly recommend.

I would be remiss in not mentioning a famous passage on doubt found in Mark 9.

23 Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.”
24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!”
It is scriptural to pray for faith! If you find yourself doubting God's promises, PRAY!


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  1. I LOVE these testimonial stories. They are HOPE BUILDERS! Thank you, Jerralea.

  2. We need to hear stories like this so that our faith grows. Oh for grace to trust Him more!

  3. Jerralea, such a good post, and I appreciated your emphasis on NOT taking promises out of context, plus we must obey the conditions of the promise if given. Your testimonial stories are so encouraging and God honoring. Thank you for sharing!


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