Friday, April 30, 2021

10 Years Since Disaster Struck

This Sunday, I will be remembering an epic day in my life.

Ten years ago, my husband, I, and our remaining daughter living at home, each packed up a laundry basket with necessities, and holding them high above our heads, waded out into the water swirling around our home to climb over sandbags in the moonlight to reach our cars parked across the street on higher ground.

It seemed like the end of everything; and in many ways it was. Yet, looking back, I can see it was just another beginning.

The next three months rebuilding were an incredible stretching process for us as we learned about God's provision, true friendship and trust. 

I told a friend when recounting this period in our lives that we not only survived but thrived.

The morning after the flood, it sure didn't look like any thriving would be going on. 

Appearances are deceiving.

We did get our house rebuilt eventually. More importantly, we grew spiritually by leaps and bounds. God was working behind the scenes making things better in countless ways.

Have you experienced disaster in your life? I'm here to tell you Romans 8:28 is a true promise and can be an anchor for you:

So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose. Romans 8:28 TPT

Whether natural, spiritual or emotional disaster touches your life, the believer can trust Our Father to bring something good out of it. Our suffering is not for nothing.

For he knew all about us before we were born and he destined us from the beginning to share the likeness of his Son. This means the Son is the oldest among a vast family of brothers and sisters who will become just like him. Romans 8:29 TPT

It's to make us more like Jesus. 


Not a believer yet? Please read my post, A Ticket Home, and prayerfully consider if now is the right time for you to join with the only One who can redeem you from disaster.


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  1. Jerralea, what a beautiful testimony of God's goodness in the midst of trial! I can't imagine what that must have felt like, on that day 10 years ago! Oh how we dread situations like you experienced, but how much of God we miss when we don't go through them! Thank you for sharing!

  2. We have experienced disaster and God brought us through. It is always good to look back and see how God provided and brought us through as He did for you!

  3. What a powerful testimony to how God brings us through and is our Provider and Comforter! Yes, I have faced disaster (my parents' home in the Mohawk Valley flooded THREE times and yet FEMA STILL won't declare that area a flood zone so they lost a LOT both in provisions and in finances. However, God brought us closer as a family as we helped my aging dad the last time (with Mom in heaven) to clean up all that mud, etc. It showed us the power of the church body united as we were so overwhelmed to see one morning the entire youth group from Dad's church out raking up mud and piling it into big bags to be hauled away. God can use teens, children and adults to teach us kindness and generosity of time during natural disasters. I also have faced an emotional disaster but i won't go into that here....too long!! GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!

  4. Those kind of moments, times, experiences, etc., are either going to grow us in our spiritual walk, draw us to Him, or embitter us...surely other directions too. When we can see God's hand in all we do, are, experience, I know He is walking right with us THROUGH it all. Oh, that we can look at these devastating times with God growing us.

  5. My family has experienced loss because of a natural disaster, too. But no one in our family was included in that loss. I am so thankful that we serve a God who knows how to work in every situation.

  6. It's amazing that when we look back on what we thought was tragedy and endings, God has turned them into good things and testaments of his love and faithfulness to us. Thanks for reminding us that the same happens to us.

  7. Jerralea, I've lost track of how many unexpected endings were actually beginnings to a beautiful something. Your words speak deep to my heart. A chapter in my mothering journey is ending as our oldest graduates from school in a few weeks. I know it will be a new beginning for him and for Hubs' and my relationship with him. God knows how to bring new things out of the flood debris of our lives.

  8. Wow, that looks like snow and water. Glad you were able to rebuild. It reminds me of the many times the Lord rebuilds our lives in one form or another. Even if it's only one brick at a time, or from the foundation up, our master builder comforts us in times of natural and emotional disasters.

  9. Jerralea, such a good reminder of how God is faithful to bring us through the most challenging of times.So grateful for His faithfulness!


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