Sunday, February 21, 2021


My husband is recuperating from open heart surgery. For the uninitiated, it is surprising all that goes into this process. My husband has been ill for many years; but surgery has never had to happen until now.

The only times I've ever been in the hospital was to have my babies and to the ER for broken arms and wasp stings.

Not the same at all.

Here is what I've learned about recuperation so far:

  • It's agonizingly slow. Improvement tiptoes in so quietly, you barely notice.
  • The overwhelming need for sleep is a good thing. Your body is rebuilding itself while in a state of rest.
  • Action is required, too. Exercise must happen so that muscles don't atrophy and the lungs get stronger.
  • Setbacks happen. There are good days and not-so-good. We must keep to our prescribed medications, exercises and rest periods. Now is not the time to give up.
  • Regular doses of medication are vital. If the meds aren't taken on schedule, everything gets out of whack.
  • Grace must be given. Each heals at his own speed. I cannot be expected to heal like you do.

Something else I noticed: Spiritual recuperation is much like physical healing.

2020 brought many into a state of exhaustion, and I'm not just talking about the after-effects of COVID. Mental strain and uncertainty affect the physical body as well as your inner life.

We need to realize recuperation from stress and trauma is a process as well. We cannot make up our minds to be better overnight.

Our souls and spirits need rest just like a physical body that has been injured. Besides resting the body; may I suggest resting at the feet of Jesus like Mary did?

I'm not talking about plopping yourself on the couch and binge-watching TV until you fall asleep. (I'm not saying there isn't a place for that - but it should not be a lifestyle.)

No, Mary was not sitting at the feet of Jesus letting her imagination reign free and zoning out. She was there actively listening to every word that came out of the mouth of Jesus.

As Jesus and the disciples continued on their journey, they came to a village where a woman welcomed Jesus into her home. Her name was Martha and she had a sister named Mary. Mary sat down attentively before the Master, absorbing every revelation he shared. Luke 10:38-39 TPT

See, when you really know Jesus and what He has said, your spirit can confidently rest in Him.

Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into his realm of resting in confident faith. So we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it. Hebrews 4:1 TPT

And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world!” John 16:33 TPT
Just like my husband has to do some walking and breathing exercises every day to recuperate, we have to exercise our faith by reminding ourselves what He has said - and believing it's true!

Setbacks will happen. Events, people and policies will shake us up sometimes and cause doubt to rear its ugly head. Now is not the time to give up.

We must take regular doses of prayer and being in the Word to get stronger.

Then, as you unwrap my words,
they will impart true life and radiant health
into the very core of your being.
Proverbs 4:22 TPT

Finally, give yourself grace. God knows your every struggle. You are incredibly precious to Him. Why, He even keeps count of each hair on your head!

Press into Him and His words. You won't always feel this way. Healing is on the way.

Welcome to Day 21 of the #Write28Days challenge. During the month of February, I'll be examining what my world looks like after 2020. I feel we are ever closer to the Lord's return. What would it look like if I lived everyday with that thought in mind?

This could be my last February 21st before He comes.

The truth is, it IS the last February 21st for some, because He comes back every day for somebody.

It could be me. It could be you. It could be every believer.

My prayer is to leave an impact. What about you?

So then, prepare your hearts and minds for action! Stay alert and fix your hope firmly on the marvelous grace that is coming to you. For when Jesus Christ is unveiled, a greater measure of grace will be released to you. 1 Peter 1:13 TPT


I don't want you to miss a post. You can go here to see all the links in my series as they go live each day.


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I'm linking at Inspire Me Monday.


  1. My dad had a double bypass two years ago and I can so relate to every point you have made, Jerralea. May God continue to bring your husband healing and strength and rest. May He bring you rest and strength as being a care-taker is demanding. And may He bless you both in the process and in the days ahead!

  2. Yes and amen! Also glad to hear your husband is recuperating. May God restore better health to him.


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