Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Have you ever experienced a predicament? The Cambridge Dictionary defines "predicament" as an unpleasant sitution that is difficult to get out of. Synonyms for the word "predicament" are "mess" and "plight."

Mess - now there's a word I can sink my teeth into.

When I think of messes, I always think of King David in the Old Testament. He got into some gigantic ones, didn't he? Granted, others caused a lot of his problems; but a good share of his troubles was caused by the man David saw when he gazed into a mirror.

I've been in some messes before. I bet you have, too. 

Yet, we know nothing takes God by surprise. His plan will always prevail.

So what do we do when we find ourselves in a predicament, whether is one of our own making, or something circumstances ensnared us in?

I believe the first step is going to the Word and see if God speaks about your situation. Most of the time, you can find a principle to help when you're confused.

Here's what David said when he was in a muddy mess:

I waited and waited and waited some more,
patiently, knowing God would come through for me.
Then, at last, he bent down and listened to my cry.
He stooped down to lift me out of danger
from the desolate pit I was in,
out of the muddy mess I had fallen into.
Now he’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place
and steadied me while I walk along his ascending path.
A new song for a new day rises up in me
every time I think about how he breaks through for me!
Ecstatic praise pours out of my mouth until
everyone hears how God has set me free.
Many will see his miracles;
they’ll stand in awe of God and fall in love with him!
Psalm 40:1-3 TPT
Did you see both faith and trust displayed? David had to wait and wait; all the while KNOWING God would come through for him.

We sure hate waiting, don't we? But it is necessary. In God's perfect timing, He will come through. The "knowing God will come through for me" part is called trusting.

Trusting in God is the most valuable quality we could possess. Our trust in Him is precious to Him.  He is a covenant-keeping God. He always comes through. 

The question is, will we wait for Him?

In 2021, I want to be found waiting on Him no matter the predicament I might find myself in. I can depend He will always break through for me.

Welcome to Day 10 of the #Write28Days challenge. During the month of February, I'll be examining what my world looks like after 2020. I feel we are ever closer to the Lord's return. What would it look like if I lived everyday with that thought in mind?

This could be my last February 10th before He comes.

The truth is, it IS the last February 10th for some, because He comes back every day for somebody.

It could be me. It could be you. It could be every believer.

My prayer is to leave an impact. What about you?

So then, prepare your hearts and minds for action! Stay alert and fix your hope firmly on the marvelous grace that is coming to you. For when Jesus Christ is unveiled, a greater measure of grace will be released to you. 1 Peter 1:13 TPT


I don't want you to miss a post. You can go here to see all the links in my series as they go live each day.


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  1. I really enjoyed your post. It's nice to be reminded that no matter how muddy we are, the Lord is waiting for us to rinse us with the Holy Spirit and give us some direction. I'm visiting from the link up at Shine Your Light Blog. :)

  2. Jerralea, I enjoyed the translation you used, waited and waited and waited some more! I want to be one who trusts His heart and timing and waits for HIm.

  3. Jerralea, how comforting to be reminded that He is with me in every mess. May I always wait and wait and wait some more!

  4. I noticed David's faith and trust and PRAISE in the scripture passage you included. It's a reminder for me to praise Him in all my messy circumstances. Thank you Jerralea.


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