Thursday, May 23, 2024

Closer than a Shadow


"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me." Psalm 16:8 NLT


In other words, don't get shook up. He's right there with you.


I thank You for Your promise that You are always right beside us!

No other god promises that because they don't have that kind of power.

Only You can be with each of Your children at all times. It is mind-blowing; we can’t understand it, but because You said it, we know it is true.

So we have nothing to worry about! If You are standing right beside us, what can happen? Only those things You have ordained to happen that will ultimately bring good according to Your purpose will happen. And You will help us get through those very things.

We love You, Lord! Let us live for You every minute.

In Jesus’ name, so be it, amen.

Thanks for dropping by. It makes my day.

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

Sharing at Grace and Truth

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