Tuesday, May 21, 2024

A Propped Up Life - And An Update


Psalm 54:4  New King James Version
Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is with those who uphold my life.

Father, please uphold my life today. Sometimes it seems like it is burning down around me. Thank You for Your promise: You will help me!
We have a God who helps! How amazing is that?
We love You, Lord, and praise You for Your lovingkindness. Please help and uphold my friends today. Bless and protect.
In Jesus name, so be it, amen!


I got curious about what the word uphold meant in the Hebrew, so I looked it up. It means to "to prop, or sustain." I love it! When my best efforts fail, He props up my life and sustains me until I'm ready to try again.


I thought it was time to give another quick update to my readers ... In February I informed you the blog was going to go quiet while I worked with a writing coach to polish up my novel.

I ended by saying, "Just like the farmer gets all his equitpment ready during the winter to go all-out with planting in the spring, the writer must also prepare her seed (her words) and her equipment (the vehicle for those words) to go all-out to release them into the world. 

The Journey will always be here - I'm very passionate about this little spot of mine in the cyber world. I'll be back to break up the fallow ground when the time is right."

I'm still preparing my seeds to be released. I'm having a wonderful time working with my writing coach, learning and growing as a writer.

But in the midst of all my fiction writing activities, I felt impressed to start writing prayers for my close friends in my bible study group that include scripture; because scripture will not return void. God will do something with it everytime it is sent out. (It might not be what I want, but it will accomplish what He wants.)

Then I felt led to take those same prayers (first taking out the personal parts) and share them both here and on my Instagram. Everyone needs to hear scripture-based prayer!

And that is what life looks like on my Journey right now.

Thanks for dropping by. It makes my day.

All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


Thanks for dropping by the Journey! I want to always share my post, A Ticket Home, for those who might not know the way Home.

Sharing at Sweet Tea & Friends and Let's Have Coffee


  1. I love those definitions for "uphold"! I've needed God's propping up and sustaining often.

  2. Jerralea, what a blessing you are to your friends. To receive prayers of Scripture, knowing someone cared enough to write and pray is a blessing for sure. Those prayers will not return void because God is faithful.

  3. Thank you for your prayers Jerri. Their so uplifting and encouraging.
    Visiting today from Joanne's

  4. Thank You so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friend's May Link Up.


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