Saturday, February 5, 2022

Paying Attention and Letting Go

One year ago, I was in the thick of writing for the #Write28Day challenge. My topic was intentionality. One of the posts that seemed to resonate with people was, "Observant," paying attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't just happen. We have to be intentional about it.

This year, I'm again participating in the #Write28Days Challenge and my topic is "A Rich and Satisfying Life." This does not mean a life filled with material things; on the contrary, my goal is to decrease material concerns and increase inner peace. 

I plan to do that by focusing on my One Word for 2022 - purge. Somethings just need to be let go! And sometimes, we have to expel them forcefully. It hurts to let go of things, as well as old mindsets and attitudes. Hanging on to what is no longer needed just weighs us down.

You can view my posts at Start with Longing: A Rich and Satisfying Life.

I hope you all are having a great start in 2022!


  1. Great word today! I spoke very loudly to me. Thank you! So glad I found my way back to you!

  2. Good to see you Monica! Thanks for dropping by!


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