Saturday, January 29, 2022

Challenge Renewed

In the midst of goal setting for a new year, it's always good to remember priorities.

Whatever I end up accomplishing in 2022, what is of utmost importance is how I'm doing on my ultimate life goal, finishing my Journey to my forever Home.

If I turn back on the Journey, all is lost. I'm not about to let that happen!

NOTHING we do during our time here on earth is more important than making that trip Home.

Today's blast from the past addresses this topic, "Challenge Accepted: Finish the Journey." Check it out!

You might enjoy my posts regarding life lessons at, "Lock in the Lesson, Remove the Regrets," and "What's Holding Me Back? Anything is Possible."

Currently, I've been busy wrapping up the year with annual reports and re-doing file systems (my love language) at my churches. I'm deep in a study on Proverbs with Sojo Academy personally. My class has finally finished our two year study of Isaiah and is now tackling the book of John. I'm dipping my toe in the waters of decluttering. And finally, I'm loving the heated seats of my GMC Terrain (never had them before) because it is COLD here in Southern Illinois.

How is your world spinning?


I just want you to know how highly I value those of you that make your way to the Journey to read my words! I believe encouraging others with the written word is a worthy calling. Thank you especially to those who respond. You make it worthwhile.

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1 comment:

  1. Remember between the tortoise and the hare, the tortoise won because he just kept going.


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