Wednesday, November 24, 2021




But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. Luke 8:15 NKJV

“But the seed in the good earth—these are the good-hearts who seize the Word and hold on no matter what, sticking with it until there’s a harvest. Luke 8:15 MSG

The seed that fell into good, fertile soil represents those lovers of truth who hear it deep within their hearts. They respond by clinging to the word, keeping it dear as they endure all things in faith. This is the seed that will one day bear much fruit in their lives.” Luke 8:15 TPT

Today, I'm praising God for the Parable of the Sower.

In recent months, I decided my life's work was to be a blessing hunter; sharing encouragement and the good news of a Shepherd who is interesting in all the details of our lives, both big and small.

Now, I want to add seed-sower to blessing hunter. I want to cling to the Word yet share it as well. I know wherever the Word goes, it will not come back void; but accomplish what the Lord wants.

My first order of business is know the Word; because how can I share it, if I don't know it? Then I must seize it, or take hold of it, and begin sowing it whenever possible. Fruitfulness is promised if I don't give up.

What can I do with my life that would be anymore worthwhile than being a seed-sower?

I used to dream of accomplishing great things; but now what fills me with passion is to be counted as a faithful servant of Christ. His "well done," will mean more than any earthly prize.

Praise Posts 2021 are all about praising God for scriptures that are meaningful to me. Currently throughout November,  I'm sharing a scripture that sparks gratitude.

I'm linking this post to Let's Have Coffee and Grace & Truth and Inspire Me Monday


  1. So beautiful, Jerralea, honoring God by sharing His word with others is a worthy desire! Thank you for reminding me what good priorities look like!

  2. Thank you for nudging me to be a better steward of the seeds I have been given. May I be a faithful and wise sower.

  3. Blessing hunter, seed sower. What a calling, what a legacy, Jerralea!


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