Monday, November 1, 2021

It's Praise Post Season

I just couldn't let November start without doing my Praise Posts!

I think I have posted 5 things a day for the month of November in 3 different years; so now it is a tradition. However; this year I thought the focus could be a little different.

It's no secret I'm a bible enthusiast. I want to give God praise for making His love letter available to me; and letting me be born in such a time in history when I can study His Word and access a wealth of resources. I am so blessed.

In November of 2021, I want to share one scripture a day with you and let you know why it is special in my life.

Just one a day. Easy-Peasy. 

You're invited to join me by leaving a comment sharing your favorite. If you feel led to write a post, feel free to leave your link to your post. I would love to read your words!


Today's verse is special to me. I discovered it in the Passion Translation right before my husband's open-heart surgery in February 2021. Of course, I had read it before. I knew what it meant; yet, it so clearly spoke to me the day I read it.

Then Jesus put his hands over their eyes and said, “You will have what your faith expects!” Matthew 9:29 TPT

"You will have what your faith expects!" or as the KJV puts it, "According to your faith be it unto you." It means the same thing; but it resonated with me so much more in today's language.

From then on, instead of imagining the worst, I believed the best. The surgery was a success; but I do admit I got a bit rocky a couple days after his surgery when I realized he was one sick puppy. It turned out he was in A-fib and a procedure called an ablation must be done. 

He was taken to have the procedure done: I paced alone in his hospital room and recalled Matthew 9:29. God had my pastor call to pray with me at just the moment I needed encouragement. The next morning my hubs was a new man! I picked him up and brought him home that very day.

Thanks be to God!


Your turn. What scripture are you thankful for?



  1. Jerralea, what a great translation of that verse! A verse that's been resonating with me (again) is Isaiah 41:10--"Fear not, for I am with you;
    Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’"

    This verse is a huge reassurance when life feels TOO BIG.

    1. Definitely one of my favorite verses, too! A promise of help! What more could we ask?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Lauren. I try to change the focus each year to keep it fresh and new; but the heart of it is to intentionally be thankful each day.

    2. Thank you for this thought. I will try to think positively when Carl has his tests. I am just praying for no surgery.


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