Tuesday, August 17, 2021


Do you have crazy-busy weekends sometimes? I sure do!
I'm just now tending the posts at the Journey for this week; so the word "busy" is on my mind. I'm reminded of my post, Living Mary in a Martha World. My point in the post was we need both kinds of women.

"If we never had a Martha, nothing would get done. But a Martha without a Mary spirit and heart will soon get burnt out from all the doing."

I still think it's true. Somehow we have to keep both facets of their personalities mingled in ours if we want to be effective.

It is great when we have people who hold us accountable if we begin to tilt too far on either side of the scale.

You might want to check out my newest post, Accountability: It takes a Community at Jerralea.com for more on this subject.

Finally, a quick word to let my readers know my work on my book with the working title of Angel on Assignment has now finished the first round of edits. 

I'm looking for readers! If you are interested in being a reader, leave a comment and I will get back to you.


  1. YES we need balance in our lives and the picture of Mary and Martha gives us that!!

  2. For sure! I tend to lean towards Martha's side; so I have to be intentional to schedule in some Mary time.


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