Monday, August 3, 2020

July Wrap-Up

Happy August, dear readers! Before I can hop into a new month and plan ahead, I always feel it is helpful to look back at the past month and reflect.

I've noticed I've been starting these kinds of posts lately with words to the effect, "things have been weird lately due to Coronavirus" or "due to Sheltering-in-Place," simply because I feel this is a historic time.

We've never been in quite this same place before.

Some things will always be the same however; and so, I feel I should examine these three questions (borrowed from Emily P. Freeman's end of the month letter - which I adore. You should sign up for them.) -

1. Where did you see God in July?

2. What's one thing you know for sure?

3. What are you looking forward to in August?

I saw God in July when asked if the practice of reflection taught me anything. The short answer is I realized everything I ever fretted over eventually was resolved. I saw this each month, yet July was the first time I really SAW the fact I could trust God. He really does have this thing under control. 

I know, right? I knew it intellectually, yet somehow in July, trust transferred to the spiritual.

You can read more about my practice of reflection in my post, "Thankful List."

One thing I know for sure: I am loving afternoon naps. Naps have been so helpful to my psyche lately. I'm thinking the idea of afternoon siestas should be practiced world-wide. Of course, when you combine a siesta with an early bed-time, it means not much gets done in the evenings.

No worries. Mornings are my jam!

I am looking forward in August to working on two main projects: editing my book and writing my message for my first-ever Women's Retreat (that is not for my own church). I've set myself the goal of having both done by the last week of September. The Retreat message is a "firm" goal - the book is a "soft" goal. (Just being realistic!)

What about you? Where have you seen God, or realized a new truth, or decided to look forward with anticipation? I'd love to know! We are all on a journey, my friend, and sharing makes the trip sweeter.


Hey, I love it that you dropped by! It would be an honor if you would subscribe to receive my posts by email. Just enter your email in the box labeled, "Follow By Email," just above my profile in the right hand column.

Also, you can find me at Instagram under jerralea


  1. I see God in His Word. Trusting in God is a good place to be. Happy August to you.

  2. Your grand kids are getting so big! I never knew why kids resisted naps so much. I love them myself! I think I am going to have to do more reflection. Sounds like a good thing to do in part of trusting God.


  3. Yep, Emily Freeman's words have hit home for me always ... and a few recent ones have recently given me real cause for pause ...

  4. Jerralea, what a great habit to look back and remember God's faithfulness and forward with purpose. Loved the pictures!


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