Wednesday, January 23, 2019

More About Morgan, #4

NOTE: If you've missed any of Morgan's story, you can find links to all installments here.

Chapter Four – Planning for the FutureWhen I got home, I glanced at the bench in the backyard and thought, “It’s been way too long since I sat under Grandma Rose’s trees and just relaxed.”

I changed clothes, got a glass of sweet tea and went out to my favorite spot when I was a kid.

“Ahhh … this is more like it!” I sniffed the nearby aroma of the rosebushes and watched the sunlight dance on the leaves of the trees swaying in the breeze. No wonder Grandma loved this place so!

I closed my eyes while pondering all the changes I was soon to make. First, I’d need to hand in my notice at work. I’d need to clean out my apartment and ship my stuff home. I’d need to check into a Master’s program. And then there was the question:  should I live at home or get my own place? What subject would I teach? Were there any openings at the high school?

My head was spinning!

I heard the crunch of tires on the driveway and opened my eyes to see Mom’s car parked in front of the garage. Her shoulders were slumped sitting in the car, but when she opened the door and got out, she glanced my way, and seeing me, straightened her shoulders and pasted on a bright smile.

“Hey, Mom!  Get comfortable and come out here and relax with me.”

“Okay, let me get out of this garb first and grab some tea.”

Pretty soon, the screen door slammed and she came out dressed in her favorites: blue jean bermudas, flip flops and a tee shirt in her signature color, yellow.

As she walked out to the bench, I thought to myself, “Mom is really a beautiful lady with her slim figure and auburn hair. How come I never thought so before? Maybe it is because the bitter expression is gone.”

As Mom settled in beside me, she said, “Whew, what a day! Doing all this uncomfortable stuff takes a lot out of an introvert.”

“How did it go?”

“Well, pretty good, I guess,” Mom said with a slight frown. “At work, they couldn’t have been nicer about the promotion. I now have my very own work area, and a mentor! Someone from corporate is coming to train both me and a new assistant manager at the Summerville store. We are going to have class every morning from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. for the next month. We’ll be training at the main branch in St. Peters, which is about equal distance for each of us to drive. I’ll have to hit the road about 5 a.m. to get there on time.

“Wow, I didn’t realize that! When do you start?”

“Next Monday.”


“Then I headed over to the community college before I lost my courage. I figured I’d better strike while the iron is hot.” Mom sighed. “It was actually harder to do that than anything.”


“Because I have such bad memories connected with going to school. Being pregnant and sick with shame over what my dad had done made those last few weeks of my senior year hell on earth.”

I said slowly, “I guess I never dreamed you had to go back to school after what Bobby had done.”

Mom said softly, “Yeah, I had to get that degree because I had a baby depending on me. I couldn’t get any kind of job without a diploma. In those days, you couldn’t homeschool or do anything online.”

I looked up teary-eyed, “I’m sorry, Mom, that you had to experience all of that for me.”

“Why, baby, it wasn’t your fault! I see that now!” Mom squeezed my hand. “Anyway, what a blessing I have you now, because I’m going to need some serious help with these studies! It looks overwhelming!”

“I wanted to talk to you about that,” and I went ahead and told her of my decision to become a guidance counselor and my discussion with Miss Amy.

Mom said, “I feel kind of shell shocked with all this change! To think a few months ago, the future looked dull and gray and hardly worth living!”

I nodded, “In my case, a couple months ago I was in this whirlwind of work trying to become CEO. I couldn’t hardly breathe, let alone think of the future.”

Pausing for a moment to consider, I went on softly, “So then the Lord sent Kai, the angel, to change our destinies.”

Mom nodded. “Yes, He really did change the paths we were on. I hope someday to meet him.”

“Surely in heaven, we’ll see him again … if not ever again on earth,” I mused.

My Type A, list-making personality, kicked in. “Mom, let’s go sit at the dining room table and plan our schedules and our budgets and how we are going to make everything work.”

Mom said, “OK, but one thing we have to settle. Will you consider living here while you are studying your Master’s? I’m lonely here, plus I’m going to need a study partner.”

“Really, Mom, you want me here? You don’t want me to get an apartment in town and give you space?”

“I’ve had 9 years of space. I’m ready to be bugged,” she winked, “although I can already see you are going to be a bulldog and hound me when I need it.”

“Only because I love you,” I smiled.

Mom smiled back, “Right back at you!”


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