Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Chapter 5 - Conflict

She felt someone staring at her. At first, she tried to ignore it, but as time passed, she felt more and more uncomfortable.

Sharon had heard of the hairs on the back of your neck standing up and now she experienced it as a cold malevolent gaze fell upon her.

Phyllis, the waitress, came to her table, "Hi, Sharon! Are you here to get Herb's famous meatloaf?" 

Sharon put down her menu and gave a forced little chuckle. "Yes ... yes that's it. You know how my daughter loves it. Instead of eating it here, I've decided to get it to go and take enough home for her, too."

Phyllis said, "Great, honey. Our meatloaf is so good, it tastes even better warmed up. What sides do you want?"

As Sharon picked out the sides and listened to Phyllis extol the virtues of the diner's food, she glanced around the room and located the source of her discomfort.

Joe Lee's aunt was sitting across the room staring at her belligerently.

"Will it take long?" Sharon spoke quietly, "I need to get home."

"Why sure, honey, I'll get you a to-go box right away. Why don't you go ahead and pay at the register while I'm getting it ready; Cindy will check you out."

As Sharon stood at the register pulling out her wallet with her back to Mrs. McCloud, she whispered to herself, "Please, Lord, don't let her say anything. Don't let her cause a scene. Let me get out of here quickly."

Cindy said, "That will be $14.56," just as Phyllis came out with two to-go boxes. Glancing over as Mrs. McCloud was walking up to them, Phyllis loudly exclaimed, "There ya go, honey. You and Morgan enjoy!"

Sharon threw a $20 at Cindy, "Keep the change," and grabbed the boxes and started pushing the door open.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here enjoying meatloaf while my son and my nephew lie cold in their graves. And she's even taking some home to MOR-GAN," Mrs. McCloud said in a nasty sing-song voice standing with her arms crossed in front of herself.

Sharon stood stock still, heart racing, as she prayed furiously inside, "Lord, help me be calm. Lord, don't let me go off on her."

Slowly turning towards her, Sharon gulped and said in a shaky voice, "Yes, Mrs. McCloud, Herb's meatloaf is the best. You should try it."

Mrs. McCloud sneered, "Well I would enjoy it; but now that I've seen the likes of you, I doubt I could choke it down."

Before Sharon could stop herself, words tumbled out of her mouth "Mrs. McCloud, I'm so sorry you are living in such hate and can't enjoy your food. I'm not your enemy, my daughter is not your enemy, we can't help what my father did. We hate it just as much as you do! Are you held responsible for everything your family ever did?"

As Mrs. McCloud stood there shocked and speechless, her husband appeared and taking her by the elbow, said, "Dear, our food has been served. Come and eat it before it gets cold." He gently pulled her away as Sharon turned around and bolted out the door,

Tears streaming down her face, Sharon got in her car, started up and sped out into the street as fast as she could go. There was only one person she felt could comfort her and she headed straight to Sister Clara’s.


Have you missed any of Morgan's story? You can catch up here.

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  1. It's a terrible thing - to be judged by another's actions. Good scene! Well done!

  2. "I'm not your enemy, my daughter is not your enemy, we can't help what my father did. We hate it just as much as you do! Are you held responsible for everything your family ever did?"
    Sounds like a powerful story here!


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