Thursday, October 25, 2018

Day 25 - Goals in Life

‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!’ - 
Benjamin Franklin

It seems funny now, looking back, how fast the next 4 years flew by. It’s really kind of remarkable that a girl who was so sheltered would be able to make her way through academia and do it so successfully.

Since I had no clue about parties or socializing, it was easy for me to work hard and then achieve goal after goal. I had learned to make friends with the faculty and it seemed year after year, there was a “Miss Amy” who was always there to help me.

I had decided long ago my goal was to become a CEO of a major corporation. I needed to make a lot of money and achieve a lot of status to make up for being a “Fordham.” At first, I told myself it was necessary to make a lot of money because I wanted to give back to my town; in some small way, atone for what Bobby Fordham had done.
As the years went by, that ideal flew out the window, and my success was for me, all for me.

Right out of college, I got an internship with the most prestigious advertising agency on the Atlantic coast.

I made sure I became indispensable to my supervisor. Willing to work long hours, living totally for my job without being side-tracked with any romantic relationships, I became known as an up and coming mover and shaker.

Unfortunately, my ideals weren’t the only things to fly out the window; so did my principles.

The ad agency life was a rough and tumble world where the only thing that counted was what idea you had for today. Yesterday’s successes were fondly remembered sometimes by corporate when they wanted to brag about “their girl, Morgan,” to all their peers, but forgotten when the next deadline loomed ahead.

Of course, no one can stand under that pressure for long.

Every day, “think… think … think what would make people want to buy this product? What new and creative way can I say something that’s been said a million times?  What to do? What to do?”

I’d had a lot of days where I came up with something. I’d also had a lot of days when I didn’t.

One day, I overheard one of the girls in the secretarial pool talking about an idea she had that she wanted to pitch to the boss.

“Maybe it will be my ticket out of here!" she said excitedly.

“Ssh,” said a co-worker, “the walls have ears around here. Someone might steal your idea.”

I wrestled with myself for a whole lunch hour … then went straight to my boss, “Hey Boss! Something just occurred to me …” and repeated word for word the idea I’d heard.

I stayed away from the secretarial pool for a long, long time.

We are on Day 25 of my serial, Angel on Assignment: The Book of Morgan. Has Morgan sold out to the corporate world. Does she even consider what God might want her to do with her life?

If you have missed any of the previous posts, click on the title, "Angel on Assignment" in the upper right hand corner in my side bar. It will take you to a page where you can find all links as they go live.

This serial is not intended to be doctrine. Scripture does tell us angels come to warn, bring messages and sometimes watch over us. It also tells us we could possibly unknowingly entertain an angel. My serial is just me imagining how that might look in our present day and time.

Tomorrow's offering: Guilt Makes for Sleepless Nights

This post was written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. A whole group of writers will be writing for 31 days straight on a variety of topics. Click here to check it out.


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I'm sharing my post at Tune In Thursday.


  1. Jerralea - wow - congrats on doing the write31 days. this is good, I need to go back and read some of the others days. Thanks for linking up with me at #TuneInTHursday


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