Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Day 24 - A Long and Winding Road

"The long and winding road
That leads to your door

Will never disappear..."
John Lennon / Paul McCartney

After that fateful day in Miss Amy’s office, time seemed to just fly. Together, we worked out a plan where I would leave home and arrive at campus in time for summer semester before the news was announced that a student at my school had received such a prestigious scholarship.

Since I’d already had my 18th birthday, legally I didn’t have to have my parent’s permission for any of my plans.

Miss Amy gently pointed out ethically I should talk to her and let her know. Stubbornly I resisted that idea. Finally, I agreed to leave her a note.

And so, on the day chosen, I waited for mom to leave for work, then placed a letter on the table where she’d be sure to see it. I walked all around Grandma Rose’s house and the backyard one last time.

Taking a backpack, Grandma’s Bible and a duffel bag with all my worldly possessions, I headed for the bus station. I pulled out the ticket purchased for me and showed it to the driver. He showed me where to store the duffel and I got situated in my seat.

Nervously, I kept glancing at all the passengers. I don’t know why. It’s not like mom would have returned home yet and read my letter. Even if she did, I doubted she would come after me.

Still I kept looking.

Eventually, the driver closed the door and revved up the motor of the bus.

We were off! And I would never be back.

We are on Day 24 of my serial, Angel on Assignment: The Book of Morgan. Morgan leaves home without telling her mother. Can anything good come out of it?

If you have missed any of the previous posts, click on the title, "Angel on Assignment" in the upper right hand corner in my side bar. It will take you to a page where you can find all links as they go live.

This serial is not intended to be doctrine. Scripture does tell us angels come to warn, bring messages and sometimes watch over us. It also tells us we could possibly unknowingly entertain an angel. My serial is just me imagining how that might look in our present day and time.

Tomorrow's offering: Goals in Life

This post was written as part of the Write 31 Days challenge. A whole group of writers will be writing for 31 days straight on a variety of topics. Click here to check it out.


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1 comment:

  1. Your story keeps me captivated. Thank you for sharing it at a #TellHisStory


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