Monday, November 27, 2017

He Takes Requests # 27

Be anxious for nothing, 
but in everything by prayer and supplication, 
with thanksgiving, 
let your requests be made known to God
Philippians 4:6 NKJV

There is so so much packed into this scripture - I could go on and on. (It's truly one of the "benchmark" scriptures in my life.)

Today, I noticed the phrase, "let your requests be made known to God."

He wants to hear about all my stuff!

Isn't that amazing? Because what my experience has been, many want to tell me all their troubles, but few want to hear mine.

Yet, I'm invited to air everything on my heart ... with one stipulation. I must do it with thanksgiving. In order to request with thanksgiving, I need to be cognizant of all my blessings. When I see all that He has done for me, how far I've come, I realize I can trust Him to take care of the current need, too.

Why should I be anxious? I'm thankful for a good, good Father!


This is Day #27 of prompts from 30 Days of Thanks-Living. You can see the entire list at Crystal's An Invitation to 30 Days of Thanks-LivingAlthough Crystal's list is for her Facebook group, I'm blogging on her prompts, and linking up to Char's Trekking Thru link-up. 

Want to read more praises? Look over in my sidebar and see a featured post from 2014. I'm still praisin'!


  1. It is a good thing He takes requests, because I give them fairly often! What a beautiful reminder today that God desires relationship with us.

  2. What an awesome God who wants to hear our requests and listens.

  3. I am continually amazed that we have a God that is so personal, so loving, and so intimate that He wants all our cares, all our requests. How can we not thank Him?!! Great Post!!! Thanks for linking up!


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