Friday, July 25, 2014

F.F.F. - 07.25.14

It's been another great week here on the Journey. Nothing unusual happened really, just another week of living the blessed life. God is so good!

As I always do on Fridays, I take a moment to thank God for at least 5 highlights that graced my past week.

1. Last Saturday, our church hosted a neighborhood barbecue.  We had some visitors come.  There was good food and fellowship.  The weather was awesome.  Thank you, Lord!

2. In fact, I have to give God praise about the weather.  It was predicted to be a week of sweltering temps but really the last two days have been marvelous.  A gorgeous summer day is a beautiful thing and I praise Him for it!

3.  I'm thankful to have a job I love.  This week went very well.  On one particular day, I crossed everything off my to-do list, but one task.  I'm not sure what I will do if the day ever comes that the list is completely crossed off.  I guess it will be time to set new goals.

4.  I heard a good word at bible study this week.  Bro. Chapman filled in for Pastor and asked us what we think God wants from us.  Most of us felt God wanted obedience.  Obedience is important, no doubt, but Bro. Chapman pointed out God wants us to believe Him. Abraham believed, and, even though he messed up and took matters into his own hands, God still counted his belief in God as righteousness.  Why, Abraham is even called the friend of God!

This really spoke to me.  Of course, I want to be obedient but often feel I fall short.  I will still strive for being a "doer of the word."  Somehow, knowing I believe - I've always believed no matter what came my way - comforts me, because I know my belief will be accounted for righteousness, too.  I believe God and believe every word He inspired in Scripture.

5.  Quote of the week:
"... our present life is to be lived with our eternal life in mind (See 1 Corinthians 3:11-15).,,, David Jeremiah, Turning Point Devotional, 07/24/14
Most of what we worry about here on earth won't matter a bit in eternity! 

And so ends another week on the Journey.  Oh, before I go, here is a picture thought to leave with you:

How was YOUR week?  Leave a comment, or link up at Susanne's blog, Living to Tell the Story.


  1. Love that last photo! So cute!

    We've had some lovely summer days, here, too. Usually the summers here in TN are just sweltering but we have had some great weather this year.

    Glad the barbecue went well and you got a lot done at work.

    I love #4 as well. Though faith should lead to obedience, too often we concentrate on the obedience part. I'm glad God graciously reminds us of these things.

  2. What a PRECIOUS picture! Love your quote and thoughts about faith and righteousness.

    Glad you're having some good summer weather. In Florida, it's hot...just usual. Have a great week ahead!

  3. oh those babies!! LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo! The quote is excellent. I know that currently I am worrying about my health and in the large scheme of things I KNOW God made me and has me in the Palm of His Hand and yet I do stil worry....forgetting that we will be perfected and pain free in heaven! Thanks for a great list of FFFs!

  4. That picture is just precious. What sweet babies!

    Barbeques with friends is what summer is all about. At the end of the summer, I always wonder why we didn't have more. Eating outside just feels like a party, no matter what the occasion.

  5. Your so right, in eternal life it just won't matter. My heart knows that but training my mind to let it be is the hard part.

    Cutest photo ever. God is good :)

  6. So very encouraging to have good weather for church events. Glad your summer sounds like it's going well.

  7. Those twinsies are so adorable! Love that photo!
    Thanks for that word about believing. Great thought.
    I hope your great weather continues into this coming week.

  8. What a sweet photo of the twins!

    Church bbq's are such a fun time to get to know people and how exciting that visitors also came. My to do list never gets everything crossed off. But it sure feels good to see all those lines drawn through the tasks, doesn't it?

  9. Cute babies!! So sweet.

    We finally have cooler weather here in upstate NY thankfully. I can't stand sweltering heat! I like Fall and Winter better :)

    That quote is great. Glad you had a nice church picnic. I missed ours this past weekend.


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