Friday, April 21, 2023

Weekly Highlights

I love me some Fridays!

Maybe I'm getting older; but I crave Fridays because I need a break from my fast-paced rhythm of everyday life.

I'm betting I'm not alone.

Finally had some Spring weather!

Whenever possible, I love to end my week reflecting back on the blessings and highlights of the week. I'm not going to lie - this week has been rough - but I'm confident I can find at least 5 things I consider highlights.

1. Silicone mats - anything that makes my life easier in the kitchen brings me great joy. I find it worth it to always keep a stash of parchment paper on hand; but now I've added silicone mats to my supply. I've just used it once so far, but clean-up was a breeze, and I'm already a fan.

2. My church had set a financial goal some years ago that seemed impossible to reach. We are going to meet that goal this month, and I'm so thankful!

3. Last Friday was our core group bible study. May I just repeat myself and say how blessed we are to have this group of friends? It's wonderful to do life with these guys.

4. Speaking of bible study, I ran across this gem:  

"I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me." Psalm 16:8 NLT

In other words, don't get shook up. He's right there with you.

5. I'd been putting something off for a LONG time. I took steps twice this week to get it done, and boy! does it feel good.

I'm going to get the victory over this procrastination thing! I am speaking in faith.

BONUS: I listened to Addison Bevere with Annie F. Downs on the That Sounds Fun Podcast #461 and it was awesome, y'all! I took so many notes and I'm thinking I need to buy his new book, Words With God. I'm just trying to decide if I want a paper copy or the Kindle version. I'm running out of space to store my physical books!

I pray you have had a great week as well. God bless, and give Him all the glory, because He is so worthy.


I'm sharing this post at Grace & Truth and Friday's Fave Fives.

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All photos created in PicMonkey by Jerralea using personal, family and stock photos. Please do not copy. 


  1. I too love our Friday night small group Bible study that Dave and I co lead. I love doing life with these people!! We meet every other week and I treasure that time together reading and studying the Word of God. That's a great blessing to list!
    YAY for getting things done and checked off the list.
    Psalm 16:8 is one I've turned to oftne this past year with all these weird headaches I've had to deal with. I couldn't do life without the Lord.

    1. I feel more than ever that being in such a group is growing more and more important as the end grows near.

  2. Love these simple joys Jerralea, and you double your pleasure by sharing them!!

    1. Donna, it is the small things that bring joy!

  3. Being a part of a small group has really enriched my life. I also Bible journal with them. Procrastination is something I have to deal with. I need better time management for sure! Glad you got what you needed to get done.

    1. I call myself a recovering procrastinator. I sometimes have relapses!

  4. I have to speak by faith over procrastination too. It is definitely a bad habit of mine. But when I do get to something I've put off it feels so good and I wonder why I procrastinate the job in the first place. I miss my small group. I meet with one friend right now which is what I needed in the last year but I'm starting to miss a slightly bigger group. Love that scripture!

    1. Susanne, it's so crazy. After I finally get the thing done that I put off, I always think, "This has never been as bad as I thought it would be. Why do I keep doing this to myself?"

  5. We have a Sunday night group that meets twice a month. We've become so much closer to these friends. It is a blessing, isn't it?
    Good for you on pushing through to finish that project! It is a reminder to me to stop procrastinating on a few things.
    Enjoy a pleasant weekend!

  6. I'm thinking a group that studies the bible together might well be the group that is the most vulnerable and real to each other. We all need such a group!

  7. I know what it's like to procrastinate - I can be an expert lol. Well done on getting things done. Hope you had a good weekend.

  8. A group of ladies to do Bible Study with is priceless! I prefer nonfiction books in the physical form so I can highlight and stuff. I always have a harder time finding stuff on the Kindle.


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