Friday, May 6, 2022

April Reflection Journal

It is the first week of May. We are in the middle of Spring already. How quickly the time flies by! Before we get into the hot lazy days of Summer, it is good to stop and reflect on the blessings present in my every day life.

Share something that made you smile

Spring time in the midwest means it is practice time for team sports. This year, the twins will not be playing T-ball; Brody will be playing basefall, and Baylee, softball. They are on different teams and have different practice days.

Of course, practices fall on Family Dinner Nights. So, on Tuesdays, Daniel and Brody come for dinner while Janae and Baylee go to practice. On Thursdays, they switch.

I have to smile about all this because the twins are loving having all of MiMi and PaPa's attention to themselves. It is such a joy to watch their faces light up as they have uninterrupted time to tell their stories at the dinner table.

Everyone needs to be the star of the show once in awhile.

Share something that made you think

I'm part of a group text messaging thread. I love being part of this group because we share nuggets of scripture that challenge and uplift us. Anytime one of us runs across anything, we share it day or night. The rest of us read it when we can.  

I love it!

Share a win from this week

Jim is doing so well with his recovery from his knee surgery. He is now able to drive himself to therapy. It literally gives me more hours in my week. Win-win!

Share a great quote

I am recently loving the app, Lectio 365. You can begin and end your days with prayer, a bible verse and a devtional thought. The topic presently is, "How to Hear God," based on Pete Grieg's book. This is a subject I've been pondering as of late. (You might want to read my post, "I'm on a Mission to Hear God's Voice.")

Here is a great quote from April 29th's offering: "If you pray through the scriptures; you never run out of things to talk about to God."

Also, I adore listening to all these British accents on the app. So calming! It is very helpful to listen at bedtime.

Share a song or a scripture that ministered to you

All God accomplishes is flawless, faithful and fair, and his every word proves trustworthy and true. Psalm 111:7 TPT

I love this! So, one could say: 

All He does is flawless, faithful and fair

All He says is trustworthy and true

There is no need to fear, I can trust what He says. He is not out to trip me up or play tricks. There is no darkness in Him, only light.

Share a favorite picture

One of the things I love about April are the first signs of Spring - crocuses! I have a friend who shares from her garden every year. She keeps my office bright and cheery for about three weeks. Then I must say good-bye to crocuses until next Spring. 


Because I've shared 5 (actually 6) blessings, I'm linking this post to community at Friday's Fave Five where each week the writers share 5 highlights, or blessings, that have come their way.  You are welcome to join in with a post of your own, or you may leave words of thankfulness in the comments.

I'm also linking up at Grace & Truth.

I just want you to know how highly I value those of you who visit my little piece of the cyberspace to read my words. I believe my calling is to encourage others with words of hope and blessing. Thank you especially to those who respond with comments. You make it worthwhile!

Newest Post at - Celebrating the Fact God Made Us Unique.


  1. I love this entire post!! How wonderful to spend dinner time with your grands. Those Scriptures where ones I definitely needed to hear today. I've been struggling lately with trusting God in an area and I'm becoming a bit fearful. Thank you for posting these!

  2. How fun to have time with the grands, all together or in smaller groups. I'm so glad your husband is doing well after his surgery. What beautiful flowers!

  3. How lovely to have individual time with your grandchildren. It's hard enough making individual time when they are siblings but being twins must be even harder. Those flowers look lovely and great to hear your husband is doing so well with his recovery after surgery.

  4. Jerralea, this was such a fun post to read. I am so glad the month was a good one for your family. The quote was a good one and I am so grateful we can have an ongoing conversation with God. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  5. I know my grands love it when they have my full attention (at least The New Boy does).
    I loved your quote about always having a conversation with God if you are reading and praying Scripture.
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  6. Lovely post. So many blessings to be thankful for in the everyday. How fun to have the grandkids over so often. Love the quote and I'll have to look into that app

  7. "If you pray through the scriptures; you never run out of things to talk about to God."

    💙 love this.


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