Saturday, January 30, 2021


February will be busy with my hubby scheduled to have open heart surgery and with my participation in the #Write28days challenge; so I knew I should pause now and give thanks. Where better to praise than with Susanne and the Friday's Fave Five crew? They are stellar in finding at least five things to give praise for each week.

In January, we had special time with the family visiting a locally famous restaurant that features a wonderful outdoor light display. I love when I can get my three grands together in a photo!

Of course, the twins brighten my days with their observations.  Here is a recent exchange:

Baylee: Mom when you had a chrome book did you download storyline online?
Janae: Chrome books didn’t exist when I was a kid.
Brody: What did you do your work on?
Janae: Paper and pencil
MiMi: Yeah we didn’t have cell phones either
Baylee: No games to play on your phone?
Brody: So you were just bored all the time?
Later ...
Baylee: It’s so weird that things just didn’t exist and then they did exist, right?
Indeed ... how did we exist without screens?

We had our first snow of 2021. It went just the way I like it, enough snow to coat everything and look pretty; then it melted overnight and the roads were clear for the next day!

Our nightly ritual of watching a game of Jeopardy! before bed has been enhanced with pie and coffee. I discovered Aldi's and Walmart both sell the best little apple pies for only $4. To reign in our appetites, we only get 1/8 of an 8 inch pie per night. The little touch of sweetness is so satisfying!

This time of year is my jam. I love organizing my files and planner, setting goals and making little changes to my nest. It feels cozy to wrap up in afghans and light candles. 

I don't know what February will bring; but I know Who is in charge. As I heard John Mark Comer say ... "The Lord is my pastor. I'm not in charge of my own life."

How comforting!


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  1. beautiful grand babies. You know its funny we survived without electronics, the internet etc, we made our own games up. I am like you love the snow but ready for it to be gone as well You and your family will be in my prayers for your husbands open heart surgery. hope you have a great weekend

  2. the twins are so cute with their questions about what we did before internet. youngest daughter doesn't know life without a smartphone that's for sure. and my oldest remembers dial up internet but only vaguely. A totally different world for sure.

    Oh heart surgery!! Lifting up your husband in prayer!! Please do keep us posted.

    YAY for a fun sweet treat. Apple pie is yummy. I only make it in the fall. I do love baking this time of year though....i've been into vegan chocolate desserts. SO GOOD!

    I love the look of winter but not the super cold temps like we are having here in eastern NY this weekend. BRRR....I'm wrapped in fleece and enjoying good books.

    Happy Weekend!

  3. Sweet photo of the grands. I'll pray right now for your hubby's open heart surgery. Reminds us later, too.

  4. Prayers for your husband’s upcoming surgery.

  5. Love that photo of the grands! They are growing up so fast!
    I will pray for your husband's upcoming surgery. Please let us know how he is faring.
    Hmmm, I will have to look for those Aldi pies...

  6. Love that picture of your grandkids. Doing things like that with them is so much fun! Love that little coversation, too. This is the first generation that has never know life without computers and phones. My kids started off without them and then the computer entered their life sometime in their elementary years and phones in their high school years. Interesting thinking about that. Saying a prayer for your hubby's surgery in February!

  7. I forgot to say I'll be saying a prayer for your husband's upcoming surgery!


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