Friday, October 23, 2020

Lessons learned from lying down ....

Hey, I'm not sure how much my readers want to know about my COVID journey; but I've always heard, "Write what you know."

This is my current reality:

1. The world goes on - even when you are too sick to participate. Events still happen. Deadlines still loom. On a practical note, dinner still needs to happen, laundry still has to be done. Groceries have to be obtained. (However, dust can still sit there.)

2. Thank God for the helpers. There is a quote attributed to Fred Rogers who said when scary things happen, "look for the helpers." Feeling weak is scary, so I'm thankful for those who helped me during this time - mainly my husband who helped with all the practical things - and chauffering me to work in an empty office after hours to deal with those looming deadlines. I'm also thankful for my Pastor who took care of teaching my class, in addition to his own busy workload.

Helpers are also pray-ers. I'm so thankful for all who prayed for me and checked up on me daily. Their love and concern lightened my load.

I'm also thankful for drive-thru restaurants!

3. I've learned to lean in and listen. During this time, I've been unable to string coherent thoughts together. Many days I couldn't work, study or write. I could barely even stay awake long enough to read. What I could do was this: whisper a prayer about something that needed to be handled, and somehow God would either enable me to do it, or make some other way to get it done.

The listen part is much harder for me; but when I'm gathering is something many of you probably already know - I don't have to perform to be God's child. 

He made me on purpose - just the way I am! I'm thankful that funny little enthusiastic girl who bounced with excitement and talked incessantly still exists hidden down inside me. He created my personality for His purposes and His calling. And so were you! No one else is like you. No one else has a story exactly like yours. 

Why not share your story? The world needs to hear how He is leading you through all the "stuff of life," and how He is making you into His masterpiece.

And that wraps up this week on the Journey ...

I'm sharing this with the community at Friday's Fave Five (because if you count it up, you'll see 5 thankfuls in my post)

And with Grace & Truth


  1. Excellent post and reminder. Thank you. Most of all, I hope you are getting better and I will say a prayer for you now.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  2. I'm glad you're getting better but I'm sure it must have been a difficult time. Glad you had some helpers and your faith. Have a restful weekend.

  3. Oh, Jerralea, I feel so inspired as your thank yous are springing forth even in the midst of this challenge. Please give yourself plenty of grace and space. I'm praying ...

  4. Love your attitude of gratitude even in the midst of covid!! Glad you're starting to be on the yes ther eis NOTHING like the helpers and the intercessors!!

    Have a restful weekend!!

  5. Its good you are sharing your experience with having Covid. People need to read about how others who have it/recovering from it/still dealing with it are coping to perhaps help them to deal with it should they get it.


  6. So thankful for answered prayers and that you are doing well and sharing encouragement!

  7. I'm so glad you've had some help while you've been sick. Hope you continue to get better asap.

  8. Thanks for sharing the encouragement, Jerralea. Glad you had help and continue to get better!

  9. I'm so glad you're recuperating, Jerralea! Those are valuable lessons for each of us. Thanks for sharing this journey with us. I'm glad you write what you know because you know a lot. :)


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