Sunday, October 18, 2020

Boundaries are Good

Recently, I let my readers know I was in the midst of a COVID struggle; and that I literally had to lie down most of the days - and nights.

Last week, I could say I'm on the mend. I had three symptom-free days in a row; so the next day, I started back to work for about 3 hours a day. Then back home to sleep, sleep, sleep.

On the ninth day, I ventured out for the first time around folks - keeping my distance, of course.

Psalm 23 has been on my mind throughout my ordeal. 

Yes, I've been made to lie down; but I'm also dwelling on verse 4:

"Your rod and your staff

    protect and comfort me."

I think of the rod and the staff as boundaries. He is helping me keep to the path He has laid out for me. Right now, He is using the rod and staff of lessened physical strength to help me make choices.

I cannot do every thing.

I must choose the best thing.

And that is good! 


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Inspire Me Monday



  1. Glad you are feeling better!


  2. I'm so glad you're recovering! May you continue to do so! Thanks for this reminder about boundaries. I often think about this in the context of our limited resources in general like time and money. Because these are limited we need to decide how best to use them. I'm visiting today from the Inspire Me Monday link up. Have a great week Jerralea! I hope it's restful and rejuvenating for you!

  3. I am thankful that you are recovering! May God continue to restore your strength and energy.

  4. Glad to hear that you are progressing in your recovery - keep applying those boundaries! Love that thought of the rod and staff nudging us to keep us on the right path, thanks for sharing!

  5. So thankful you are improving, Jerralea! Continuing taking it easy as often as you can. Fatigue seems to be one of those lingering things with covid. Blessings, friend!

  6. wow!! I have been very busy with my teaching job and things around the house plus my small group duties so i've missed alot of blogs this month. SO SORRY To hear you've had COVID but i'm so thankful you are on the mend!! Take care of your self and i will pray for a complete recovery.

  7. Sorry to hear about your struggle. Glad you are feeling better. Praying right now for a good recovery!!


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