Sunday, April 5, 2020

They sang a hymn ...

We are entering the annual celebration of  Holy Week. Today is Palm Sunday when the people of Jerusalem thought Jesus was the King they wanted ...

... until they didn't.

It took less than a week for the mob to turn on Him because He didn't do things the way they expected.

So, this is a Palm Sunday unlike any modern history has known. We won't be gathering at the church to sing songs with the word "Hosanna," in them. We won't be told the story in Sunday School of the palm branches being laid before the Savior who rode in on a donkey's colt, just like any common man would do.

Instead, we will be watching from our devices as our Pastors preach to an empty room and then send their words of exhortation and encouragement across cyberspace.

I thank God they have this way of communicating with us.

But I'm wondering if we have prepared our hearts to receive their words?

There is a reason most services start with a time of worship and prayer before the Pastor goes to the pulpit. It is to bring our focus on Christ. It helps us get ready to hear when the Pastor shares the message he has received from God. It gives time for the Holy Spirit to draw our hearts towards God.

May I suggest something? Before you click the play button on a video of a Pastor's sermon, take time to pray and sing. Sing a worship song, or a hymn. (By the way, the best I can determine, a hymn is a song of praise or thanksgiving to God, and a spiritual song is a song of worship.) Then push play.

Afterwards, do like Jesus and the disciples did after the Last Supper, the foot washing and the teachings Jesus gave.  

Then they sang a hymn and went out to the Mount of Olives. (Matthew 26:30)

Then Jesus, with his disciples following, marched out to meet His destiny.

I'm going to do the same. Join me?


Sharing this post at Inspire Me Monday


  1. Thank you Jerralea, yes praise, worship & Thanksgiving even in such a time as this!
    We are neighbors at Anita's today, I look forward to you joining me for a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer :-D
    Bless you,

  2. It's an unprecedented season, and the celebration of Palm Sunday underscores all the adjustments we're making. I hope we remember this feeling when things return to "normal."

  3. Such a good time to reflect on our worship...

  4. ah ... this has not been a heart-preparation Lenten season for me. God knows.

    but am aiming to focus on Holy Week with renewed appreciation.

    i am grateful ...


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