Monday, March 9, 2020

Schedule: Prioritize Quiet Time

There's a commercial that asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" implying  we are lacking something if a certain credit card does not repose alongside our cash and driver's licenses.

What if I asked a more important question? What if I asked, "What's on your schedule?" If you're a believer and you don't have quiet time with God on your schedule, you're missing out on something much more vital than a certain credit card.
We live in a culture of busy. I get that. I'm over-scheduled and over-committed just like you are.

Yet there is nothing more important than regularly meeting with God.

But it's not going to happen if I'm not intentional about it. Just bein' real, here.

I spend my days feverishly ticking off the boxes on my list; then feeling I've earned it, mindlessly scrolling social media. After all, I've worked hard!

Somehow ... I always feel zapped of energy, never refreshed.

Could it be I'm needing quiet? There's something healing and restful about solitude. Things I've been putting off thinking about, clamoring for attention in the back of my mind, now have time to present themselves as rational thoughts.

And ... if God wanted to speak to me, perhaps I would hear better.

You know, prayer is vital, and it is communication with our Savior. Communication should be a two-way street, with me both talking to Him, AND listening, as well. That's only going to happen if make time for it.

God often speaks to His people through His word. Reading, studying, meditating and memorizing the bible are opportunities for God to speak to me. Again, it's only going to happen if time is scheduled for these activities.

Most of us have these marvelous contraptions called phones. We can set alarms to tell us when to do things.

All I'm saying is ... let's prioritize quiet time. We might be surprised at the results. It doesn't have to look perfect. We don't have to be sitting at a picture-perfect location with candles burning, praise music in the background and cool journals and pens at the ready to write down any revelation that comes. (Although, yeah! I love all that stuff.)

It just needs to be some time carved out for me, Him and silence, and let's see what happens.

This is post #26 of my "Walk the Walk Christian Living Series," written from the perspective of a recovering perfectionist. You can go here to see the links of each post as they go live. 

I'm linking this post with the community at Inspire Me Monday.


  1. Making quiet time a priority is changing my heart in so many ways!

  2. You know, I'm good about putting everything else on my calendar. It's been a particularly rough week here, and I'm grasping for prayer in small bites. I can, and need to, do more. Thank you.

  3. An important thing it is to set apart time with our Lord.

  4. So true! What we fail to schedule fails to get done. When we make room for the big things in life (like time with God), we somehow find time to fit in all the little things :).


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