Friday, March 27, 2020

Counting Blessings in the Midst of Craziness

Greetings from crazy town!

It is paradoxical but in this time of slowing down and staying home, I seem busier than ever.

Oh, I'll get so much more writing, organizing and cleaning done, I thought. Wrong!

But in the midst of the crazy, I feel it is important to slow down and count blessings. All you hear on media is stark reminders of what could go wrong. Instead, for we believers, now is the time to put Philippians 4:8 into practice:

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Here are 5 excellent things from my week:

1. Technology - yes, it can certainly be used wrongly, but in this time of "social distancing," it can be a lifeline. I can be in touch with my boss, with my church, co-workers, family and friends even if I can't be in the room with them. And, praise the Lord, except for a couple hours one afternoon, it's been working fairly well!

2. Needs met - Our personnel committee has authorized us to receive our same salary although we are presently working half days and also from home. One less thing to worry about.

3. Scripture - it's a lifeline! Here's an interesting one I ran across this week that seems like it was written for these times:

In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead. 2 Corinthians 1:9

We can't rely on ourselves. We can do nothing to change current events; however we CAN rely on God. He has so much power, He can actually raise the dead! As always, you should read the whole passage of scripture to get the context (you can do that here) and if you do, you'll see Paul, Timothy and Silas went through times so troubling, they weren't sure they would make it. But they learned, "God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort." There IS help!

4. Online preaching - I've actually heard more sermons this week than usual. Not only my own pastor has been online, but several of my pastor-friends and churches of friends and family have recorded uplifting sermons as well. On Sunday alone, I listened to 4 messages. I've had plenty of spiritual food for thought.

5. Surrounded by great people - I just want to honor all the wonderful people who are hanging in there and doing what they can to keep things going. They are the unsung heroes of the epidemic. Those who are teaching online, handing out the school lunches, dispensing medicines, keeping the store shelves stocked, hauling in the supplies, nursing the ill, and those sharing positive words along with many more I'm sure I've forgotten to name, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. I celebrate you! 

Let's keep on keeping on.

Bonus praise: Yesterday, it got to 68° and we had sunshine. God is good.

So tell me ... how did YOUR week go?


I'm sharing this post at Susanne's place where the Friday's Fave Five community hangs out, and also at Grace&Truth.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! 68 degrees, how wonderful. You've got a great 5 this week. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.


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