Friday, November 10, 2017

Peace - #10

Then you will experience God’s peace, 
which exceeds anything we can understand. 
His peace will guard your hearts and minds 
as you live in Christ Jesus.
... Philippians 4:7 NLT

Have you ever heard someone say, "I'm about to lose my mind!"

It might feel like it, but if you are trusting in Christ, your mind will not be lost, it will be guarded.

There's a peace when you are fully relying on God. It's hard to explain, it is just something you have to experience.

When you are trusting in Him and you know He will work everything for your ultimate good, the trials that come our way are less likely to overwhelm us.

I'm thankful for the peace He gives. I might not understand the circumstances I'm in, but I know, in the end, all will be well. 

He's a good, good Father, you know ....


This is Day #10 of prompts from 30 Days of Thanks-Living. You can see the entire list at Crystal's An Invitation to 30 Days of Thanks-Living. Although Crystal's list is for her Facebook group, I'm blogging on her prompts and linking up at #FreshMarketFriday.


  1. I'm doing a terrible job keeping up with these posts, but I so appreciate your eye for God's goodness.

  2. Saying AMEN to this! How often His peace is just waiting for me to grab hold of in the releasing of everything else.


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