Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Way We Were ...

This is my current FaceBook profile pic:

This selfie was taken last fall at our favorite place, Arrowhead Lake, a place that feels like home to me. Somehow, troubles seem to roll off my shoulders the moment I get out of the car at the lake's parking lot. I go there whenever I need to decompress. 

As I write this, it is a year later during the dog-days of summer, and I'm already figuring up how many more times I can go there before winter sets in ... 

I like this picture for a couple of reasons. I have very few pics of me that I like. I'm terrible about closing my eyes just when the photo is snapped, and the sunglasses take care of that problem. I also have a aggravating habit of either not smiling at all, or, grin some sort of contorted smile. Here, my smile looks normal.

Hubby has a problem of never smiling while showing his teeth.  In this photo, he has managed to do so. Win-Win!

I wonder how many more years it will be before we can manage another favorite picture of us?


What about you? Do you have trouble taking a good photo?


This post was written in response to Writer's Workshop prompt #5. Share the story behind your current Facebook and/or Twitter profile photo.  To read more responses, or to join in, visit Kat at Mama's Losin' It.


  1. Very nice picture of the two of you. I see you've figured out that sunglasses cover for having your eyes closed.

    We have a Lake Arrowhead here in Georgia. This probably isn't that one...

  2. I feel the same way about my own pictures. It's a good thing when it happens because they can be far and few between. My husband is a goof ball and it's difficult to get anything decent.

    The picture you took is definitely a win-win!

  3. so cute! I am terrible at selfies-- mainly because my face is always scrunched up trying to hit the button to take the picture, or because I'm not holding my phone at above me.

  4. Ahh, a great photo. Thank goodness for digital so you can do retakes!

  5. It's a great pic and you both look very happy. I'm at the age where I'm very sensitive to how I look in photos. I hate to admit it - but it's the truth. Working on letting it gooo. :)

  6. YES!I was a terrible "selfie" photo taker because according to my artsy tech savvy 24 yr old gal, i was doing it wrong. you are NOT supposed to tilt your head up. (no offense..your photo looks good) you are supposed to tilt the phone down while holding higher than your head. I finally learned this trick!! I'll have a selfie posted I think on my next FFF so you can see what i mean.


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