Monday, December 26, 2016

The Morning Page, 12.26.16

Sometimes I am tormented with the idea I'm not enough. Who am I trying to kid, anyway? I'm deeply flawed - anyone who spends any time with me at all can surely see that.

Do you ever feel those feelings, too?

I'll be having a good day, maybe even enjoying myself, when wham! out of the blue, punishing thoughts march into my brain replaying everything I ever did wrong.

Friend, when those times happen, we have to remind ourselves of some truths:

When I'm feeling condemnation and unworthiness, those thoughts are from the enemy. Yes, sometimes the Holy Spirit convicts, but the conviction is always to bring to your attention something for which you need to repent. If you have already asked forgiveness for a particular sin, and it comes back up in your mind, that is the enemy whispering words of destruction and hoping you'll feast on them.

After all, he is the accuser of the brethren. He's also a liar.

Remember when God forgives, He removes our sin as far away as the east is from the west.

It's also important to remember that when God looks at His children, it's through the lens of Christ's righteousness. His blood covers my flaws.

That fact alone makes me want to dwell in gratitude. What greater gift could I receive? There is an amazing abundance of peace for my soul when I realize not only am I forgiven, but I'm justified (just as if I'd never sinned) through Christ. His blood covers all of me, flaws and all.

I'm sharing a wonderful YouTube video of MercyMe singing "Flawless." Please watch to the end, it's an amazing video! (Subscribers will need to click through to my blog to view the video)

So thankful for His amazing grace!

And those are my thoughts this morning. What's on YOUR mind?

1 comment:

  1. I'm going a Bible study on Living a Praying Life without Fear by Jennifer Kennedy Dean. She does talk a lot about the enemy and his schemes of lies. I'm vulnerable to them more than I should be (and thus why I'm doing this study). I need to exercise my faith muscle more than my fear muscle; something maybe I'll get a handle on in 2017 :)(let's hope).



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