Sunday, November 13, 2016


When I first thought about writing about the word "cut" as it pertains to examining the journey of our way Home, I was going to discuss cutting out energy draining activities from your life The truth is you can't do it all and you can't be everything. 

I know.  Shocker!

Especially as women in our culture, we do think we can have it all, do it all and be it all. If it were even possible to achieve such a thing, you wouldn't be the best at being YOU, which is really the only gig worth doing.

Instead, I want to talk about cutting out negative. Pre-election and post-election, the world has become an ugly place. Our nation is divided and all anyone can do seems to be to rant on Facebook about recent events.

As someone said recently, "Facebook is optional."

Cut it from your life if you feel it's bringing you down.

In fact, cutting ANY thing from your life that is non-productive and produces feelings of despair, gloom, and  "I just can't face the day" would be the wise course.

May I suggest changing your focus?

God's word always has an answer and I believe Philippians 4:8 is the best thing to do right now:

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart]. (AMP)

You ARE what you think. I'm choosing to cut out the negative and center my mind on the good.

What say you?

The Journey is our way Home. There is nothing more important than making that final destination. Jesus paid my ticket there, but I have to walk it out. I will be observing the things that happen while traveling the Journey and writing a daily post about my observations.

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  1. I have chosen the ability to hide posts about the election and other negative things to me on facebook and it's a good thing for me to do that. Whatever is true, whatever is good...I'll choose to think on these things. Happy week to you Jerralea!

  2. I need to learn to cut out anxiety and worry, they are stealing my joy and shortening my life. Timely post indeed.



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