Monday, October 24, 2016


Every once in awhile, even as a Christian, you will encounter something more
than the normal twists, turns, dips and hilltop experiences on your journey.

You'll experience a blowout.

Have you ever had a tire blowout on you when you are driving? I have. It happened to me on Grapevine Trail, a road so twisty and curvy that it was named Grapevine for obvious reasons. I was driving our full-sized van to work when I rounded a corner and heard a loud pop. The van careened crazily across the road, but thankfully, I was able to get it stopped on the narrow shoulder of the road. There were ditches everywhere on Grapevine. I'm so thankful I didn't end up in one.

This was in the days before I had a cell phone, which means I had to go to the nearest house and beg to use their phone to call my husband to come help me.

I'm thankful I knew who to call.

Similarly, there are blowouts on the road of life. Perhaps you've experienced one? An unwanted divorce, a death, illness or job loss can feel as sudden as a tire having a blowout. You didn't expect it much less plan for it, but here you are, sitting on the edge of the road of life, afraid to go on.

Just like I called for help when my tire went flat, when life blowouts happen, you have to know who to call.

Who's the One who is always available, always understands and always has a plan?

I know it sounds simplistic but only fools complicate things. You have a Heavenly Father. He loves you. When the blowouts of life are more than you can bear, just remember what He said:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Have you ever had a blowout?


This post is part of my 31Day Series (please read below), but I'm also sharing it at The Loft, a fabulous community of Christian bloggers. Come see the wonderful words these bloggers have on their heart!

The Journey is our way Home. There is nothing more important than making that final destination. Jesus paid my ticket there, but I have to walk it out. In October, I will be observing the things that happen while traveling the Journey and writing a daily post about my observations.

Because I like to stretch myself, I will also do a challenge within a challenge - 31 days of 5 minute free writes. I will take a topic and run with it, writing furiously for 5 minutes, tailoring it to relate to my theme of examining life along the Journey.

If you are a subscriber, you will receive my #31Day posts each day. If you're not a subscriber, why not? Please go up to the Follow By Email box in the very top of the right column and enter in your email address. I don't want you to miss a thing!

You can also click
 here each day and look at the bottom of this post. The link to the newest post will be there.

If you would like to join in on the 31 Day Challenge, either as a writer or a reader, go here.

If you would also like to do the 31 Day challenge by doing it in a 5 Minute Free Write format, go here.


  1. Having a current blowout, but called the Master Mechanic and knowing he will fix it for his glory.


  2. I must be a fool:) Thank you for simplifying grace through your story and perspective. So grateful for you and how awesome you've done with the challenge!

  3. Ah, I've had many blowouts, but I know I have an excellent 'roadside assistance' plan :). I find that if I take him along with me, and even let me drive the car, my reactions to blowouts are a lot different.


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