Friday, June 24, 2016

Weekly Wrap-up and F.F.F.

Almost as good as a piece of chocolate, or a glass of iced sweet tea, is when Friday rolls around. Thank you, Lord, for weekends.

Before moving ahead, I like to look back at the blessings God gave me this past week. Joining the group at Friday's Fave Five is a wonderful way to do just that. Visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story if you would like to participate as well.

First on my list is thanking God for a wonderful Father's Day. All our kids and grandkids were able to be at our house for lunch.

I'm thankful for my hubby!

Secondly, I'm thankful for my own father. I wrote two posts this week about fathers, A Good Father and Monkey See, Monkey Do, and I'm glad I had good memories as a background for my posts.

Thirdly, I'm thankful for my Heavenly Father and His awesome Word. It seems like every time I read it, I find something new in it to uplift and inspire. Here is a choice morsel:

Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. - Colossians 1:12-14 ESV

Backing up a little, I also enjoyed a great afternoon at my favorite lake last Saturday. Love those times of refreshing!

Finally, a quote to challenge:

"Your calling is about who you’re meant to serve. What you’ll take a stand for. And more importantly, what you’ll stand against." Jeff Goins' “why most writers are doomed to fail”

And so ends another week on the Journey.  I'm expecting a great weekend. My plan is to make myself go to bed before midnight tonight and sleep in some on Saturday. 

What are your plans?


  1. Loved seeing the pics of your family!! I hope you were able to sleep in this morning!!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I need to do more of that in my posts! You inspire me.

  3. pretty photos to kick off your weekend, Jerralea!


  4. So neat the family could be together to celebrate Father's Day! Great pictures of all!


  5. Hoping you accomplished your sleep goals for the weekend. I love the collage of your hubby with his loved ones. Wonderful that your family is all together to celebrate him on Father's day. God's word is amazing and I'm very thankful for it too.

  6. What a wonderful Father's Day! I have to make myself do that with sleep, too. I try to keep Saturday as the one day I don't set an alarm clock, but I still usually do wake up close to normal time. But it's still nice not to "have" to. :-)

  7. I love sleeping in on Saturdays although for me, that usually means 6:30 instead of 5:30. HAHA....I missed the FFF this past week due to traveling in MA for college visits. I LOVE The photos of the lake....which lake do you go to? Do you swim? kayak? just sit on the beach and read? i like all of the above :) Havea great week.

  8. Your Friday night plans made me smile ;-) Glad you've had some time to relax at the lake and celebrated the good men in your life.


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