Friday, October 23, 2015

31 Days of Life Stories #23

Yesterday, I shared how one person saw a need our family had and got two churches to work together to meet the need.

Actually, there have been many people who have helped us and encouraged us when Jim became ill.  I hesitate to list them because I'd be sure to leave someone out. Many many people gave, sometimes money, sometimes an act of service and often by lending a listening ear.

I remember one time a lady at our church gave me a gift certificate to get my hair done.

I remember a neighbor came by, took out his wallet, and said, "The Lord told me to give my offering to you. How much do you need?" as he was peeling $100 bills off a roll of money.

Another time, a lady came over and said for two months in a row, the bank showed $50 more in her account than she did, so she felt God wanted her to give us the $50.

An anonymous donor left some boxes filled with groceries at the church for us.

Both the church we attended and the church where I worked took special offerings for us.

Family sent checks.

Jim's brother is a pastor and his church paid a utility bill for us - from three states away! 

Even some family of our sister-in-law sent money and her brother's family even sent Christmas gifts. 

As I look back now, I see how God used His people to supply our need when we were waiting on Jim's first disability check. We were so blessed he was approved the first time he applied; but, it still takes about 6 months to actually receive any money. Since I wasn't working quite full time hours yet, I didn't know how we were going to pay our bills and feed three growing girls but God orchestrated a chorus of giving that really put a song in our lives!

If I were going to put words to that song, it would have phrases that mean "God cared so He sent you," and "He understands my needs," and "I'm not alone." 

I want to end this little Life Story by pointing out that with all the people God directed working TOGETHER we got through a rough patch. Maybe He is speaking to your heart to do a little "something, something" for someone and you think it's not big enough or important enough to be really of help. Go ahead and do it. He will send others to help, too. And the encouragement received by the person you are helping might even be more valuable to them than the gift.

This post is #23 in my series, 31 Days of Life Stories. Hundreds of writers are linking
up at the 31 Day Writing Challenge hosted by Crystal Stine. There is a wealth of information on many topics. Go visit and see! I'll be posting under the category "Inspiration and Faith."


  1. It is always neat to read how God provides for his people especially through times like you and your family experienced. It is also a good testimony, like you mentioned, of people helping others and if one is prompted to do so by God, it indeed is a blessing to be able to help out others.



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