Thursday, July 23, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Today I'm sharing two pictures from July, 2013.

One is very appropriate for the things going on in July 2015, - well, really,  any time in modern life:

July 4, 2013, Kentucky

In the past two years, we've seen a lot ... riots in Ferguson, be-headings by Isis, the Boston Marathon Bombing, outbreak of Ebola ... I could go on and on.

Most of these situations have been ugly man-made messes created by hate.

Yet every morning and evening God shows up displaying His artistry and beauty and power. He alone knows how to create something from nothing. 

July 4, 2013, Kentucky

If He can paint a new picture every morning and evening working with what He created, don't you think He can take the ugliest mess we have and turn it into something beautiful?

After all, He is in the miracle-working business. The mind-blowing part? He invites us to work with Him. And the first step is to talk to Him. 

Mama’s Losin’ It


Writing Prompts For 07.23

1. Throwback Thursday: Choose a photo from a previous July and write a poem or a blog post.
2. Describe a memorable camping trip.
3. Ask your child what their favorite part of Summer has been and then write about it.
4. Write a blog post inspired by the word: last.
5.Photographs can turn a house into a home. Share a photograph that is not on your wall, but should be…if you weren’t so lazy about actually putting it there.
6. List your top 6 favorite summer moments so far.

I chose prompt #2. If you'd like to hare a TBT photo, feel free to link up at Kat Bouska's blog, Mama's Losin' It, or feel free to share in the comments.


  1. Your words brought to mind a song from my past:

    "Something beautiful, something good
    All my confusion He understood
    All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife
    But he made something beautiful of my life"

    His displays of beauty in nature...and in people...are such great reminders of His power and great is our God!

  2. This is gorgeous...the words and the photos. I recently read a very old book called The Ministry of Intercession. It challenged me to diligently pray for others, for our country, for the world. Your post goes hand in hand with where my thoughts have been.

  3. I like that message on the church marquee; still indeed relevant every day for our country!


  4. That sounds sounds beautiful Karen! And this is so true. Thanks for the reminder. =)

  5. I loved this!! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Yep. Every day we get a clean slate and an opportunity to do good. Thanks for the reminder!

  7. Love the message and the picture!


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