Friday, November 28, 2014

F.F.F. - 11.28.14

After a month long of giving praises each day, it might seem a little difficult to come up with five faves for our weekly Friday's Fave Five link-up.  But what I've decided is it doesn't matter if you give thanks for something twice. God is worthy of repeated praise for all He's done in my life.

1.  I'm thankful for a good week at work. I had five days work to get done in three days and I was able to leave the office Wednesday feeling good about my to-do list.

2.  Even though we were missing Janae, Daniel and the twins, it was a good get together on Thursday with two of our daughters.  I love my girls!

3.  I'm enjoying this 4 day weekend off. I remember in the past jobs I've had where I had to go back to work after Thanksgiving.

4.  I'm glad I have so many photos of the twins to look at when I'm missing them!

5.  Quote of the week (as seen on Facebook):  

"It's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love." ~ Billy Graham

And so ends another week on the Journey.  How did YOUR week go?  Your words are important, please leave a comment and share. If you'd like to link up, visit Susanne at Living to Tell the Story.


  1. I love that quote by Billy Graham! great list of praises today. My post for the 29th is up and I have to now shut down this laptop to get ready to travel back to NY so I won't be on until much later tonight. God bless you richly...I have thoroughly enjoyed doing these praise posts with you all. I WILL do my last one tomorrow and then I need to take a blogging break for a couple of weeks due to many commitments next week. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I enjoy retirement simply for the fact that I do have certain days off like the day after Thanksgiving. When I was nursing, days off during the holidays was very iffy. I'm glad you've got the 4 day weekend to enjoy.

  3. I'm glad you were able to leave the office Wed. having accomplished much and able to enjoy the time off.

    Even though I see my little grandson at least once a week, I'm glad, too, for photos and videos to look at when I miss him.

  4. It is neat to have the 4 day weekend, especially when you went into it well prepared at work for the week ahead!


  5. Wow, 5 days into 3. You deserve a nice holiday break! I'll bet you really miss those little cuties. But so glad your other 2 girls were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with you!

  6. Awe, how sweet. :)
    We just had my dad and step mom here this year with two of our kids and Grandma. It was kind of a quiet one. But I really enjoyed, except for missing the oldest.
    I have been off work since Tuesday and have to back on Monday. I'm not sure I'm ready to go back... {{sigh}}
    Hope you enjoy this last day off!

  7. Sorry -- those baby chins are just too much cute that I could hardly read anything else!

    Glad you've had a good week and then some time off to relax.

  8. If this were facebook, I would double 'like' that quote by Billy Graham!
    I'd also 'heart' that photo of the twins.
    You are so right that we can be thankful and grateful on a daily basis for the same things!


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