Friday, June 6, 2014

Give Me Your Hand

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Maybe because today is the day that I'm anxiously awaiting the birth of my twin grandbabies, but the word hands made me think of the stages our hands go through as we age.

Little chubby fingers and dimply knuckles are so sweet on newborns.  I think every mother checks to see if there are 10 fingers and 10 toes as soon as that babe is placed in their arms.

As time goes on, those chubby palms change into busy little hands, touching everything in sight, sometimes getting scratched in the process of learning how to make things go. Often, they will be caked with finger pain and play-doh as they creatively express themselves.

Then come the years of academics and sports. Hands might be wearing bandages or inkstains.  Eventually, class rings will adorn their fingers.

The young adult years will often show smooth manicured hands for the ladies and firm manly hands for the men.

Later on in life, calluses and veins will begin to grace those hands.  You will be able to tell how those hands have spent their time here on earth.  Did they work a lot?  Was it hard labor?  Did those hands scrub floors and smooth fevered brows?

As time here on earth diminishes for those hands, they will become bony and wrinkly ... but capable of squeezing with great emotion as they clasp hands with their loved ones.

And finally, hands crossed on a chest as they lay in a coffin, waiting on the earthly hands to meet heavenly Hands... that is when they are the most beautiful of all!


Five Minute Friday

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Sounds like fun, yes?  If you want to join us, go to Lisa-Jo


  1. Thanks for this beautiful post, which reminds me of my grandmother's hands, and how I used to watch her sew. Happy Friday!

  2. Thanks for this beautiful post, which reminds me of my grandmother's hands, and how I used to watch her sew. Happy Friday!

  3. Jerralea, I enjoyed this so much. When our granddaughters were here in April there were a lot of pictures taken that showed my hands. I didn't realize how old my hands looked until I saw the pictures...the crooked fingers and raised knuckles...and the wrinkles. But then I got to thinking about how they also show the years of work and pleasure that they have been exposed to over the 64 years I've been alive. Your post today so beautifully takes us through those different stages.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jerralea. I'm excited for your twins to be born too!

  4. What a sweet post! When I think of hands, I think of sign language which I know a litle bit. Such an expressive language where the hands become your mouth piece.

  5. Yet another great post! I really enjoyed following hands through life. Very touching way you present each stage of life all the way to the end.

  6. It's Saturday evening and I was just wondering about those babies! Hope to hear from you soon!

  7. Enjoy those new grandchildren when they come. How fun--twins! I have a feeling Mom will need a few extra "hands" herself, especially in those early days!


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