Friday, May 24, 2013

Point of View


As always with defining a word, I want to go to different directions.

I think of view when I'm out on a road trip trying to capture the beauty of God's creation with my camera.

I also thought of view in the sense of "point of view."  I have a sound track of a Priscilla McGruder song that I love called, "Heaven's Point of View."  I love this line in the song:

"What's a mountain to this eagle flying high,
 from Heaven's point of view?"

If we could just take a step back and look at things the way Heaven views them, we would not be near as worried and stressed about things as we are.  In Heaven, the end is known from the beginning.  God already knows exactly what  will happen and He has it under control.

For instance, when my house was flooded in 2011, it didn't take Him by surprise and He already knew that He was going to use the flood as a way to bless me and my family.

And He did just that.

So when you are facing a mountain of trouble, pray and ask God how He views the whole thing.  If you abide in Him, there will be a lot less fear and uncertainty.  Because your mountain looks like an ant hill to Him.


Five Minute Friday

On Fridays, I join the community at 5 Minute Friday who write for 5 minutes on the word selected by Lisa-Jo Baker.  Here are the rules:

1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

Sounds like fun, yes?  If you want to join us, go to Lisa-Jo


  1. Very good perspective, Jerralea! Now I just need to paste it somehow on my forehead so that I can remember it when those harder times come!

  2. Hi, visiting from the prompt- your post sounds similar to what I just wrote- I took the view from Heaven down also...this was encouraging and just what I needed to hear today! thank you!

  3. Dear Jerralea
    The way you look at things usually comes after great suffering!! You are a wise woman and your husband is a lucky man. Yes, my friend, from heaven's point of view, there is not even time as we know it. Heaven exists only in the tranquility of eternity!
    God bless you, Jerralea


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