Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2013: Fearless

Have you considered choosing a word for the year?  A word that you will focus on and that speaks to where you are, or hope to be, in life.

Last year, my word was "joy."  I wanted to find joy in everyday living. Joy, not necessarily happiness. I know that the joy of the Lord is my strength and I found that focusing on gratitude helped me keep an attitude of joy.

But now it is 2013.  I have to admit that for a few days I struggled with picking out my word. Actually, Elissa (our oldest daughter) was my inspiration.  She was quoting Lloyd Ogilvie who said there were 366 admonitions to "fear not" in the bible - one for every day of the year including leap year. I felt excitement thinking about it, so I've decided that 2013's word would be "fearless." 

I do not think I am bound by fear in any way, but I do let my insecurities keep me from being all that I feel God is calling me to be.  I also know a lot of people who seem to let fear keep them from maturing in the faith.  Therefore, as much as I am able, I will be examining these "fear not" scriptures and sharing whatever insight God gives me.

I will still participate in some of my favorite writing challenges such as Daybooks, Friday Favorite Fives, and 5 Minute Fridays, etc. but at least a couple times a week we'll examine the Word together on this topic.

Join me on this journey to be fearless - won't you?

I'm linking this post with The Lettered Cottage today.  Click on the link to visit Layla and Kevin and read other Words of the Year.


  1. Last year mine was "exist." after four straight years of life changing decisions and events, I needed a year to coast and breathe. I was hoping I could use it again this year as well....but from the looks of it, it will be another year of change so instead of fighting it, I'm embracing it.

  2. Great word!! This word reminded me of the song Courageous by Casting Crowns. Can't wait to hear more about your thoughts!

  3. Ooo, I like that one. It will be interesting to read your journey into that word. Mine for this year is "Open". I want to be open to God, His will, His leading, open to new adventures and people, open to trusting Him through it all.

  4. Hi Jerralea,
    Fearless is a wonderful and powerful word!! What a great choice for your word of the year.
    And I love where you got the inspiration for that to be your word, that's interesting that there is basically one admonition on this for each day.

    I'm looking forward to reading your posts to come on fearlessness :)
    Also, thankyou for this lovely post, it's inspired me- I think I will choose a word for the year too.



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