Friday, July 27, 2012

Above and Beyond

Today, I'm linking up at 5 minute Friday, at Lisa-Jo Baker ... tales from a Gypsy Mama, where bloggers are encouraged to write for 5 minutes on a one-word topic.  Today's word:


When I think of beyond, I think of that phrase, "going above and beyond."  Doing a little bit more than what is required. 
This is a principle put forth in the New Testament.  Jesus said if a person asked for your coat, give him your cloak, too.  He said if you were compelled to go one mile, go two.

Going the second mile.  It's not only a biblical principle but a principle of success.  In business, the person who goes the second mile, puts forth the extra effort, is usually the more successful one.  Often, that person is the one who is promoted.

I once read a book by Florence Littauer entitled It Takes So Little To Be Above Average.   Her premise was that if you do just a little more than the average person would do, your efforts would be outstanding to others. 

It just takes some work.  Work used to be highly valued in our world, but it seems to not be so in today's culture.  I submit, though, that it is still the way to achieve goals.  Good old-fashioned work.

In fact, in the garden, wasn't that what we were told to do?  Work.  We're also told to work as unto the Lord.  Do a good job, no matter who your supervisor may be.

Go beyond and do your best for Him, the great Fruit-Inspector.



  1. What a great take on "beyond!" I believe you commented on my post from last week with that reference to the book you mention here. I just may need to read that. It is so beneficial sometimes to push ourselves and go that extra mile. It may take a little more time, more energy, more sacrifice on our behalf, but think about what that extra effort means to others and to the God we serve. :) Lovely post. Have a blessed weekend!

  2. Oh I so agree girl! Today hard work isn't as big of a deal - get it done, fast is. And it is rubbing off on the future generations. Hard work is better, and what is expect of those who follow Him. Great five minutes!

    Marissa @


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